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Jeno immediately glanced through the newly opened door parallel to him, revealing Daeun, who had just gotten out of the boss's office.

Wonbin is following behind her, though it seems like the younger is invisible to them, as when their eyes locked, they never looked away.

Wonbin, who's fully aware of the situation, cleared his throat and excused himself, knowing that he wouldn't gain his sister's and his leader's attention.

"I'll be in my room," he says, dismissing himself.

Jeno pushed himself off the wall and stood in front of her, while Daeun only looked up to him.

"What did he say?" he asked.

"What else should it be?" Daeun sighs. "I'm not permitted to go out until further notice."

"It's for your safety."

"Is it? You know what I looked forward to the most when I finally came back here?"

Jeno only stayed silent and eagerly waited for her to continue.

"My family, Jeno. Being reunited with my family." Daeun continued and lightly scoffed. "I momentarily forgot that it's been twelve years, and Wonbin is not nine anymore. Can you believe it?"

She looked up to him with a bitter smile. Jeno only remained silent. It's just something in his eyes that's urging her to continue. To say everything she wanted to say.

Jeno only stood there and looked at her. He's listening.

"I didn't even have a chance to hold a long conversation with them; with mom and dad. Wonbin is just... everywhere. I catch up more with my friends. To think they're the ones who knew most of my life there abroad than my own family, haunts me. I felt like I just came back here to breathe the Korea air, you know? Then now I can't even enjoy my time here, fully. I'll just be here for a year. For a damn year!" she lightly laughed. "It's been twelve years!" she exclaimed and pressed a finger to his chest. "You didn't even ask me how am I."

Jeno caught her hand before it dropped. He only held it while keeping his eyes on her. His face is no different from how he usually looks. Daeun can't read him.

She tried to pull out her hand, but he only held it tighter.

Daeun looked at him confusedly. She opened her mouth to say something, but he beat her to it.

"How are you?" he asks.

Daeun paused for a second, then laughed.

"Gosh. Are you for real?" she asked, looking at him as if she couldn't believe him. "I'm fine, Jeno."

"How are you?" he asks again.

Now Daeun's face dropped. She knew what he meant, and she hesitated to keep it real.