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"Andreas," the commanding voice of his boss, made Jeno immediately halt his steps and turn to face the man.

Jeno lightly bowed his head and waited for the man to speak.

"How's Giselle?"

"I put her on break, sir. She's in leg braces."

He understandably nodded. "I haven't checked on you for a long while. Are there any concerns or problems that you want to talk about?"

"No" Jeno paused when he remembered something. "Actually, there is."

Lee quietly dismissed his personal assistants and gestured for Jeno to be close to him. They moved to a corner a little far from the staircase, and the boss urged him to speak.

"About Moco, sir, the hacker I personally caught and sent to prison,"

"Mm, I remember. Why?"

"I saw a picture of him on the underground web, but it was deleted after a few minutes. It was blurry and seemed zoomed in a lot. It could be a look-alike, but I can make out his facial features."

Lee's brows were immediately knitted by the news. "Did you ask Chief Do about it?"

"Yes, but he confirmed that Moco is still secured in jail. I asked Chief if he could give me a recent picture of Moco, and he still hasn't sent one yet."

"Are you sure it's him?" Lee asked with the most seriousness.

Jeno pursed his lips into a thin line and sighed, "It could be an old picture and someone just posted it just to mislead"

"It's not you to doubt what you know."

Jeno looked at the man and only saw him with a small smile.

Lee tapped his shoulder and hummed in thought.

"I'll have the Jokers look into it. If the picture is just posted for misleading purposes, then we should know who posted it, right? If we can't have Moco personally, then we should know if there's someone who's acquainted to him."

Jeno nodded. "Keep me in line, sir. Moco is my responsibility."

"You already have too much in your hands. It's overflowing now," Lee said with hand movements and chuckled. "Moco is not your responsibility. Sure, he was your personal mission, but you have successfully done your part. Whatever happens to him next is Clyde's mission in general, not just yours."

"Still, I need to make sure he'll rot in there," Jeno insisted.

"Alright, well, lead the team. I'll have a Joker to assist you," he gestured to the younger that he could go.

Jeno gratefully nodded. "Thank you, sir."

"Ah, have you talked to Daeun yet?"

Jeno turned to face him again, his eyes widening by a fraction.