𝟷𝟹 ♡ Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

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 Ain't No Rest For The Wicked By Cage The Elephant 

We are on the final lap of the race and boy has Max been making it an interesting one for me. He ended up fighting his way to the top 3 and now me and him are battling for first. Every corner and every straight we are switching back and forth, overtaking each other. 

We've rounded the last corner and are side by side racing toward the checkered flag. I'm putting everything I've got into this car in order to secure this win. A little bit further and...

"Congratulations Azalea that's a win! You are the winner of the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix!"

"Yessss!! Thank you, thank you! Max sure made me work for that one," I replied to Benji. I gave Max a wave then made my way over to park my car behind the number one. 

Taking off my gear right away I felt immediately better and started scouting for Max. 

"Oi, Chick Hicks back at it again!!" I hollered as I sauntered over to him. 

He had that post-race glow about him, sweat glistening on his face, and hair perfectly messy. He smiled as he saw me approach and plastered a big smile on his face. "Does that make you McQueen?" He questioned.

"Please, we all know Charles is McQueen," I said, gesturing over to Charles, who had gotten third place and was currently being congratulated by his team. 

The Ferrari driver looked over at us, looking at him, and grew a confused look. Nonetheless, he simply gave us a thumbs up, a wink, and turned back around. 

Max laughed at that, "Ahh, of course! Hey, really good driving out there, Az." He looked super genuine smiling at me. 

"No rest, Verstappen," I gave him a little tap on the chest before walking away.  

He turned around and caught up to me. "This isn't over by the way," He teased, bumping into my side as we happily walked toward Christian, his wife, and the mechanics. 


"I can't believe you got P1! You really showed that stupid reporter, and well everyone who may have doubted you. You're literally a badass, do you know that? I think-"

"Isla, Isla! Thanks girl, you know I appreciate you!" I interrupted my sister as she was rambling on about my race today. She Facetimed me as soon as I got back to my hotel after this long day. "And you know I miss you like crazy," I added, lying down on my bed. 

"Sorry, I'm just excited I get to call you my sister. Nico and I are still good to come to Silverstone and possibly Monaco, yeah? We both miss you too."

"Of course, I've already got your tickets for both. And you're staying at my house in Monaco so no hotels needed."

"Perfect, and now that we've got that out of the way... I'm dying to know the details about Max. Because I still don't believe there's nothing going on."

Something going on between Max and me?  

"Where'd you get that from?" I asked confused as I shifted up to a seated position on the bed. 

"Oh come on Az, on the tv, after the race. There was definitely some sort of connection there!" 

"Max and I aren't like that, he'd say the same thing too if you asked him. I was just congratulating him after the race." I shrugged as I relaxed back into the bed. 

She gave me one of those "I'm right and you know it" looks in return and I just laughed it off. 

Just then a knock sounded on my door. I told Isla and bid my goodbye, plopping my phone down on the bed and setting for the door. 

Opening my door I was met with a nicely cleaned up and dressed Lando, holding a bottle of Rosewater. He had an adorable smile on his face, which seemed to brighten when he saw me. 

"Lando? We aren't set to meet up for an hour, what are you doing here?" 

He held up the bottle and said, "I thought we could have a little pre-celebration on your amazing race today," gesturing to the Rosewater. 

I giggled and pulled him by his shirt into the room and into me, while saying "Get in here, ya goof!" I laughed then smiled up at him. 

He blushed slightly then pulled me in for a small kiss. 

"Come on, let's celebrate," he said, mere inches from my face before pulling away 

I instantly felt colder when he let go of me and walked away. I had an instant craving for more and followed him towards the kitchen where he was pulling out some glasses for us to drink out of.  

I snuck up behind him and enveloped him in a hug from behind. Wow he was comfy to hug, I never wanted to let go. "Thank you, Lando," I cheerily spoke into his back.

He chuckled slightly. "Here," He said, handing me a glass he poured for me. I grabbed the glass from him, moving to stand beside him. "Cheers!!" 


We ended up kissing and snuggling for a bit before I had to drag myself away to get ready for the night since the gangs going out to dinner.  

I decided on a long beige maxi dress and a white shawl to cover up the top. I exited the bathroom to find Lando already staring at me from the main area. He walked closer to me, closing the gap between us. 

"You look beautiful Az," He said as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"Thank you, Mr. Norris," I replied, closing the gap between us. 

Then I was the first to pull away and said to him, "You should probably take off soon, Max normally meets me at my room before we all go out." 

He then let go of me and breathed out a bit. "Right, sorry I'll get out of here." He said, gesturing towards the door. 

"I'll see you soon Lan, thank you for this," I said, reaching up and giving him one last peck before he left.

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