I sat there, mouth open slightly, in attempt to breathe correctly, so I could stop gasping for air and have my own body stop suffocating me. The Con began to get blurry as I started to get light headed. I moaned, shaking my head, looking at the ground and blinked repeatedly. Where's Bee? Come on, anytime now.

  The Decepticon crouched down, studying me, and I saw a blurry blue sensor, which was probably a scanner, and it sent a awkward chill crawling down my spin, I shivered. I started to inhale jagged breathes as blackness crept from the edge of my vision, I need medical attention, soon. Bad thing is, is that I left my inhaler at home, I could really use it right now.

"Do you have asthma?" I heard a male voice, that sounded like a doctor on a television series I've seen Caroline watch.

"Why....would.....y-y-you care?" I muttered inbetween my jagged breaths, not looking at the being in front of me.

Yeah sure I was having an asthma attack, it hurt yes, it was bad, yes definitely, but I wasn't going to be weak, or show any weaknesses in front of this alien, even if I'm about to pass out I'm used to this, I'll probably just wake up somewhere different, not in a hospital like usual. I laid down, oh dear Primus I can't breathe.

"Are you alright?" A different voice asked.

I didn't answer, for one I couldn't and another is that I wasn't sure if I was, I stared at the sky and and began to cough, huh that was a late appearance that's usually the first symptom to occur when I have an asthma attack.

"This seems like a daily occurrence."

Since I was nine yes, first asthma attack I had was at a gymnastics practice, scared Caroline half to death.

"F-f-for t-t-the last s-si-six years.....yes." I answered after awhile, wait why was talking to him? Why am I not scared that he might do something to me?

Why is he even here?! If he didn't show up I wouldn't even be having a asthma attack right now!

Stupid Decepticon......

  I closed my eyes, and just waited, if I stayed calm I would be able to breath and be ok, even if I could still be wheezing afterwords, but I'd rather be able to breathe instead of slowly suffocating.

   After awhile I sat up and coughed, wheezing like I predicted, but I could breath and I'm happy.

"I should carry my inhaler more often...." I said dryly to myself, I mean I should've learned to carry it always, but I don't like it, and I only carry it when I'm at volleyball, basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, and track practices.

"Shouldn't you have it always?"

I looked up at the Con and shrugged. "I only carry it when I have volleyball, basketball, tra- wait why I'm I telling you this?"

The Con shrugged.

"So.....why didn't you capture me when you had the chance?" I asked clearing my throat after gaining enough confidence to ask.

He shrugged again, and I shifted away from him, uneasy, he hasn't attacked yet, no need to run, and probably have another asthma attack.....that would just suck....two asthma attacks in less than an hour....

The Con watched me intently, which was very unnerving, I looked around, where in the Pit was Bumblebee?! I don't want to be sitting here in front of a Decepticon, one that looks like Slender Man just made it worse, and we were in woods that just makes me feel like I'm being watched by more then just the slender bot in front of me....creepy....and awkward.

I shifted again, once again wishing I could die, don't want to be here anymore.

I then remembered that I had gotten a message before all this, and pulled my phone out quietly and turned it on. I read the message, it was from Caroline, well they both were, while my phone was off she had sent another text.

' Fallon u haven't answered r u ok? R u having another asthma attack?' -Caroline

'Maybe I did......' I sent.

' Fallon Paige Rodgers! Ur in big trouble with when u get home!' - Caroline

Oh no....

'Nooooooo.' -Fallon

'Yessssss u should know better what were u doing anyway?' -Caroline

'Running.' -Fallon

'For what?' -Caroline

I paused, uh....how was I going to answer that? '....fun....'

'Ur lying.' -Caroline

'No...I'm not.' -Fallon

' Fallon.' - Caroline

'....bye ttyl!' I sent before turning it off.

I knew the Con was reading the conversation as for he was robotic, he could read and maintain any conversation worldwide, which I learned from Ratchet. I sat there, could I make a run for it?

"I'm surprised you haven't tried to escape." An auto record said, I looked up.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried to capture me yet." I bit back, but quickly regretted it, and winced, I got to watch my tongue....it could get me killed.

But I was shocked when I heard a chuckle, come out of the quiet being crouched nearby. That was deep, and creepy, it sounded like a way more smoother speaking Darth Vader, not the usual jagged creepy breathing that you would hear before he entered a room. 

I looked at the ground, I wasn't going to look at him, not while he's laughing that creepy Darth Vader laugh, heck no, it was creepy.

Come on.....hurry up Bee....please....

As I sat there I thought that this Con reminded me of someone, but who?

Mom? Caroline?

No definitely not Caroline....mom I barely knew.....Dad?

But how could this Decepticon remind me of my dad? He was nothing like him, my dad was way less creepy, fun loving, playful, man that cared about family.....which was only me....but he just....was a person you would like immediately after meeting him.

  I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a car engine coming from the west.

Was it......please let it be....

I looked up and spotted a yellow car in the distance.

YES! Bumblebee finally!

I looked at the Decepticon, he was watching Bumblebee approach, his weird shoulders panels, wings, or whatever they are, were held like he was disappointed that the car was coming.....this Decepticon is very confusing.....a Con like him would have attacked by now and even captured me, and here this Con was, watching an advancing Autobot like he was sad?

Very confusing.

He stood up to his full height, not looking away from Bumblebee, and I got to my feet, and started to slowly back away, if a fight broke out I wasn't gonna be sticking around to watch. I hid, watching from a safe enough distance, I jumped when I heard a groundbridge open behind me and turned around, I sighed in relief.

"Optimus....I'm so sorry..."

"Mrs. Rodgers it is fine just go into the groundbridge." He said, his battle mask sliding across his face and I did as told.

(Thank u for reading)

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