Third and Final

114 4 100

13 July 75PD

Rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands, Luna lets out a yawn and sits up in her bed. Ven had the overnight watch last night, and did not come to alert her of any issues, so she was able to get a good few hours uninterrupted once she had returned back from her visit to the Kallisto's. Luna takes hold of the duvet and flings it off of her, swinging her legs to hang off the edge of the bed. Just as she is about to stand, she notices a white envelope on her nightstand. Confused, and admittedly still half asleep, the girl picks the envelope up as she stands, and walks out of her room to the kitchen. The Avoxes have brewed a fresh pot of coffee, and so Luna grabs herself a mug and pours herself a cup. Still feeling tired, despite her sleep being longer than usual, she decides to just stick with black coffee, but puts one teaspoon of sugar in and mixes it, thinking she might need some extra energy for the day. She turns and pushes herself up so she is sitting on the kitchen counter, and takes a sip of her drink, enjoying the burning sensation the liquid causes as it hits her tongue and travels down her throat, as well as the slightly bitter taste. She then places the mug on the counter beside her and rips the envelope open.

My dear Supernova,

I would like to apologise for the actions that your mentor partner displayed towards you, and I can assure you that this will not happen again. Your problem has been taken care of.


Bewildered by the content of the letter, Luna decides to ignore it for the time being, throwing it aside to pick her coffee up again. She cradles it in her hands and makes her way back to her room to get herself ready. The redhead opts to do some more natural make up today, allowing her freckles to be on full show, and ties her hair into a slick back, high ponytail. She finishes the remainder of her now warm beverage before changing into a faded black summer dress and white trainers and heading down to the mentor viewing room.

"Good morning, losers!" Luna chimes as she walks through the door, however she quickly notices that Ven is not there, "where's Ven?"

"Snow called him for a meeting at about 4 this morning. He didn't come back so we assumed he went to bed. Don't worry, nothing really happened with Finnick." Brutus explains.

"That's good, how are your guys doing after their food fight?" Luna asks as she sits at the empty station beside the man.

"They mostly slept, then they got stuck in the Jabberjays like Finnick and his alliance did." Enobaria nods.

"Wait what. Whose voices did they hear?" Luna raises an eyebrow.

"Clove and Aeliana. It wasn't nice to watch."

"Clove? My god..." Luna sighs, "that must have been horrible."

"Yeah, to begin with, Clio heard Cato's screams. She tried to find him, and was screaming for him which meant he eventually went to find her. They both got stuck there..."

"Fuck me..." Luna sighs, sitting with the pair. "The Gamemakers really made this games fucked up... I hate it."

"Oh my fucking god. We're in a clock." Luna quickly looks to Brutus' screen as she hears Clio speak to Cato.

"What do you mean a clock? We're in the arena." Cato speaks, looking at the girl like she's batshit crazy.

"The arena is a clock-"

"It can't be. It isn't ticking-"

"Your heart won't be ticking if you don't shut up and fucking listen." Clio hisses. Luna takes this as her signal to leave. She appreciates Brutus and Enobaria allowing her to sit with them, but she doesn't want to overstay her welcome in case they think she's getting information from their tributes and passing it to Finnick. Especially now he has gone back on their alliance. She quickly makes her way to her designated station and sits, switching on her screens.

Accepting The Game of Revenge • Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now