From a Whisper to a Scream

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12 July 75PD

"So besides Clio and Cato, who's left?" Katniss questions, looking around at the group

"Maybe Chaff. Just those three." Peeta shrugs.

"They know they're outnumbered. I doubt they'll attack again." Finnick explains.

"I wouldn't count on that being a definite Finnick. Clio hates Katniss and will do anything to make sure she's the one to kill her." Johanna looks up to Finnick.

"Whilst that is true, Cato won't let her risk her life. We're safe here on the beach."

"So what do we do? Hunt them down?" Johanna pushes.

Before anyone has the chance to answer the woman, a faint scream can be heard, and everyone looks into the jungle beside them.

"Katniss, help me!" Luna recognises the voice as Katniss' younger sister, Prim.

"Prim?" Katniss' face drops as she screams, jumping to her feet and running towards the jungle. "Prim!"

"No." Finnick exclaims as the rest of the group follow the girl.


"Katniss! Katniss, wait!" Finnick shouts, gradually catching up with the girl.

Katniss continues screaming out for her sister as she races through the overgrown leaves and bushes of the jungle, the girl's scream still echoing out, mocking her. The Girl on Fire then comes to a stop in an opening and looks around the air above her frantically. "Prim!"

As Katniss hears her name screamed once more, her eyes focus on a bird flying in circles above her. She quickly loads an arrow into her bow, aiming it at the bird, then fires. The arrow hits the bird, making the screaming stop and the bird hits the ground with a thud.

"Katniss!" Finnick shouts, running up to the girl. As he reaches her, a confused look crosses his face and he questions, "You okay?"

Another scream rings out, this time calling Finnick's name. Luna recognises it, but can't quite put her finger on whose voice it is. Suddenly, she feels like all the eyes in the room are on her, so she turns and sees everyone looking at her. That is when she realises it's her. It's her that is screaming in the arena.


Luna snaps her head back to the scream and sees Finnick pushing past Katniss, running further into the jungle. "Luna!"

"No it's not her-" Katniss reasons, following the man.

"Luna!" The man screams desperately, causing tears to pool in Luna's eyes. "Luna! Luna!"

"Finnick, it's not her!" Katniss growls as she gets closer to the man, her voice hoarse from screaming. "It's just a Jabberjay, it's not her."

"Luna? I know you're mad at the man but did you seriously record your screams for them to use as Mutts?" Haymitch calls from across the room.

Luna turns to face the man angrily, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks, and spits "You actually think I'd do that? God I could hate him more than anyone in this world and I'd never do that. I'm not that fucking horrible."

"Come on, Haymitch. You know none of us would do that." Enobaria snaps, defending the District 4 girls.

"You heard what Finnick just said. Jabberjays copy." Haymitch challenges.

"It's possible that it's just some random person's voice that's been manipulated and put through programming to sound like them." One of mentor's from District 3 explains. "It's something most of us have learned to do by the time we're 12."

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