Part 2: Echo of the Past: The Defector (Flashback)

Start from the beginning

Beads of sweat dripped down their faces when the doors to the detention center finally opened with a loud metallic whoosh. Two Inquisitors stepped through and approached the troopers, stopping just short of the grating.

"Remove your helmets," one of the Inquisitors ordered, the light of the fires below glinting off her greenish skin, turning it to a sickening shade of yellow and causing the red tattoos that speckle her face to glow. All three trainees complied.

"You are the best of your class," Seventh Sister continues, the characteristic trill of her voice echoing out as if two people speak in unison. "You have shown the utmost dedication and ferocity in your training," she pauses and scans all three of them. "For this reason you have been chosen for a unique opportunity: To hunt one of your own."

The other Inquisitor steps forward, his face completely hidden behind a black helmet with only a series of slits as the opening. In all the time she has been training with them, TK-274 has never once seen Eighth Brother's face. Though she may not know what he looks like, she knows his tendency toward quick, rash decisions and inclination to surrender to his unbridled temper at the expense of others. Now he raises his hand and activates a holoprojector. For once he seems calm, almost stoic in the soft blue glow but there must be a well of fury beneath the surface ready to explode for projected before him is the face of their instructor.

"PT-101," Seventh Sister continues, "abandoned his post late last night, stole a transport shuttle and fled, like a coward. The shuttle was scanned passing a checkpoint near Jakku. It is believed he is either hiding there or looking for alternate transportation." She pauses for effect and takes the chance to review the reaction on each of the troopers' faces. "He is a traitor!" she spits the words. "You will pursue him and you will either capture him and return him here or you will kill him. Now, go. Get your weapons and report to my shuttle immediately."

"Yes, Inquisitor," the three troopers respond in unison, then replace their helmets and exit the dojo.

On the lift to the armory, TK-476 cannot hold back any longer and speaks up. "How could he do it? Why? He was the most dedicated trooper I have ever met."

"He is a traitor. That's all that matters." answers TK-387.

"It could be a test," TK-274 says, "To see if any of us are sympathetic."

All three exchange suspicious glances.

"A test?" asks TK-476.

"Why do you think Seventh Sister asked us to remove our helmets?"

TK-387 gunts in agreement.

"Do not hesitate to take him down," she continues, coldly.

The Inquisitor's ship does not land at the port but instead sets down in the center of the town's market. Carts,stalls, and supply crates are blown over by the thrust of the ship as it descends and the people are forced to scatter. The method is heavy-handed and theatrical but leaves no room for doubt that the Empire has arrived and demands their attention.

Stormtroopers disembark first, rushing off the ship with their weapons drawn on the residents. The two Inquisitors exit close behind with the three Purge Troopers trainees in tow. Seventh Sister watches the terrified residents for a moment, drinking in their fear, then gives the order for the stormtroopers to begin searching the entire city, one building at a time.

Eighth Brother, however, does not follow her. Instead, he stops and turns to the trainees. "Find him," he sneers at them and the three set out to search in different directions.

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