A burnt out sun and a cold moon

Începe de la început


Jisung sat at the far end of the table, focused on the food laid before him while the dinner progressed. Both kings seemed to be talking non-stop, only quieted by their wives joining in or adding opinions. They spoke of their children and their abilities and accomplishments, but they only really spoke of Ida and the Sun Prince. Selling them to each other.

His attention was pulled from his plate by the body of the Sun Prince shifting next to him, and Jisung instinctively moved his chair further subtly. The southern prince felt huge next to him, with sculpted hands and arms large enough to wrangle any beast down. Even through his loose pants, it was clear his legs were fit for strength and endurance, and his shoulders shaped him in... well, a godly way.

Jisung didn't feel guilty about studying the other prince, considering he'd stared at Jisung blatantly on the palace steps. He found it mildly amusing, but also a bit confusing. His sisters were considered to be the most beautiful in the Moon Land, so he hadn't expected to have any attention on him, let alone the prince's attention.

"I'm practiced in every weapon," Minho said, answering a question Jisung didn't hear. His voice was warm and strong like honey.

The Moon King chuckled. "That does put me at ease. I need someone that can protect my precious Ida, after all." 

Jisung was well practiced in weapons as well, but his father would never mention that. He would rather disregard Jisung's existence altogether. The Moon Prince remained silent, slowly eating the fruit on his plate. Minho's strength remained the topic for a time.

Jisung's plate was nearly empty. He wondered if he would be able to excuse himself without disrupting anything. Then the shoulder next to his brushed against him. He went still.

"Do you not like Crimson Fruit?" Minho asked quietly, his honey brown eyes landing on Jisung.

What? Jisung's eyes focused on his plate. All that was left was the Crimson Fruit. It was grown from salt water, and he didn't always appreciate the flavor of the semi bitter fruit. "Not always," he whispered, tension growing in his shoulders. He wasn't meant to participate in the conversation at dinner.

"Neither do I. Will they take offense if I don't eat it?"

Jisung nearly wanted to crack a smile. "No, no one will be offended if you don't like it." The back of his neck tingled. His eyes flicked to the Moon King. His father's eyes held a clear message: disappear.

Minho looked ready to respond, but he was cut off by Jisung rising to his feet. "I have a few things to attend to. Welcome to the Moon Lands. I pray you enjoy your stay here." He dipped his head and quickly left the dining hall.

The faster he left, the less likely he was to have scars added to his body.


Minho couldn't sleep. Like the sun blessed his land, the moon blessed the northern land, in doing so making the world glow in an ethereal way outside his windows. He wasn't used to much moonlight, and his back was still tense from the dinner with the Moon royalty. For a time he tossed and turned in the soft furs and cool sheets covering his bed before finally rising and stalking out to the balcony.

He often slept with a small dagger, and he flipped the blade around in his hand as he stood overlooking the gardens below. The silver and gold flowers seemed to glow in the moonlight, drawing him in again with their beauty. The Sun Lands were beautiful too, just in a very different way. Where everything was golden, warm and bright there, everything here glowed. Everything breathed with life despite feeling asleep.

Eclipse *Minsung*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum