(Lynn gave a mean look while the ball was being thrown by Tyler. Lynn hit the ball so hard, it practically disappeared)

Tyler (amazed): Woah! Great hit

Lynn: Thanks, but I lost my ball. It's like sometimes I don't even know my own strength

Tyler: Hey, welcome to my world. But you wanna know how I handle that?

Lynn: How?

Tyler: By using my head rather than my muscles

Lynn: Interesting

Tyler: Happy to help

(At the store, Rita, Levi, the twins, Luan, Lucy, and Lily are doing shopping)

Levi: Mrs. Loud. Can I tell you something?

Rita: Sure Levi, what is it?

Levi: This morning, when Leni was helping me remove my marker stache. I may of had a halo moment

Rita: In love? With my daughter? Surely you can't be...

Levi: I know, I know. It's crazy. But I started getting butterflies in my stomach and that's when I started catching the love bug.

Rita: I don't know if my daughter is the right one for you. If there's anything I know about love, it's that don't put pressure on a girl

Levi: No pressure. Got it

(The next aisle over Luan is checking out pies with Lucy)

Luan: Which one should I pick. lemon meringue or Apple?

Lucy: How about about Cherry. The filling looks so red, it almost looks like blood

(Lucy gives a frightening smile)

Luan (nervously): You know what maybe we should go look at something else

(The two head off. The twins are in the cereal aisle)

Lola: How about Smackers?!

Lana: No way! We have to get Frosties!

Lola: Or why not both?

Lana: It's like you read my mind

(Back at the mall, the girls are talking about girl stuff)

Lori: Bobby literally sent me the sweetest text ever. "Babe, can't wait to when I get back from Hawaii. Got you something special. XOXO. Bobby"

Ellie: How sweet

Leni: Can I confess something to you guys?

Ellie: Sure

Leni: I think I might like like Levi

Ellie: I'm sorry come again?!

Lori: You don't mean marker stache Levi?

Leni: When I was helping him remove his stache. I looked into his brown eyes and felt the love in the air.

Ellie: I don't know if Levi is the right guy for you

Lori: Besides, what happened to Chase?

Leni: Who?

Lori: Never mind

Ellie: If there's anything I know about love. It's that you shouldn't pressure someone

Leni: No pressure. Got it. I forgot what we were talking about

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