A2.8: Lady Zara's Spiritual Judgement

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Hornswoggle meets a bunch of Predacons who live in the caves. Undermine suggests eating him but, their leader, Komodo, has better plans for the Treehouse Maximals.

Hornswoggle: "You may do as you please to me, but I'll never give our location to you heretics!"

???: "We don't want your location, we just want the ones led by your master."

Hornswoggle: "What? Who do you think you are?!"

Komodo: "I'm Komodo, leader of the Predacons in the Cave, and I do ask that you bring me Optimus Primal."

Speaking of which, Lady Zara can't seem to find Hornswoggle's Energy signature anywhere on the planet. However, Sonar develops a new ability: Echolocation. 

Sonar: "I can hear him, his voice!"

Then, Rhinox builds a tracer to find the energy signatures of every inhabitant on this planet and he seems to find one of the Treehouse Maximals being tortured by the Predacons.

Rhinox: "Are these Predacons?"

Rattrap: "Well, they're not with Megatron, so I guess, they're new ones?"

However, that's not the ones on the ship, but different ones.

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