He grins, "I have something for you too."

"I thought this was your gift to me?"

"It is, but I have another," he produces a thin box from his pocket.

A knock on the wall separation makes us glance back. A woman with brown hair and purple eyes stands in the doorway of it, a konkursi, "Sorry to interrupt, Preeminence and Mrs.Blackwood, but you asked that I give this to you?"

"Yes. I did," I tell her. She places the two small packages next to us before bowing and leaving.

"When did you call for the Amoris?"

I shush him, "You'll never know."

My husband rolls his eyes jokingly, then adding, "Remind me later, there's something about her son we need to talk about."

"Why, did he prank Enzo again?"

"No, something different."

I nod, not paying much attention to that, rather excited to give him the gifts, "So these ones..." two large cards, "Colton and Vienna organized this without my knowledge, but they organized it that a lot of people would sign these wishing us happy anniversary. This one is from the Order and family, this one they didn't tell me about."

The first we open is from people in the order. Doting, funny, and annoying messages are scribbled all over the card.

"How'd they fit this all on one card?!" he asks, astonished.

I shrug and check the other one. A lot more kind messages are inside. Though these are more messy and colorful—written in crayon. Then one pen message at the bottom:

From: The children at the Kirk and Lily Orphanage

I'm deeply touched by this, and Jonas seems to be too. Each kid's name I start to recognize more, now that I know their association with the orphanage. (After the ban on mandatory date tattoos, I also made it so orphanages actually had to name the children instead of giving them just a letter) Both of us spend some time reading the messages and pointing out our favorites.

Ensuingly, we move onto a gift from our kids. In a velvet casing there are two gemstone roses. Their petals made of amethyst and leaves of silver sheets. I take one and Jonas takes the other. Turning them over, we see an oddly shaped attachment piece. The box has a little message inside.

Hey mom and dad! Happy 18th anniversary. We love you both so much and hope you like our present to you. We had them customized at a jeweler's while we were on our vacay in france. We've always thought the wreaths we wear kinda bland, which is the opposite of what you both are as our amazing parents and rulers of Elleany. These are customized wreath decorations we hope both of you love!
Love: Josiah, Ines, and Darcy.

Aw. They even included our dog.

"We'll wear this at the ball."

I agree, but, "What's this ball for again?"

"Riley organized it to: One, celebrate our 18 year anniversary and two, welcome our Amorian visitors."

"Oh yeah, forgot about that honestly," I slip a small box between us, "Happy Anniversary, Jonas."

He opens the encasing to see two identical pins, which I snatch one for myself, "I guess you and the kids had similar ideas," he examines the pins designs then checks his wrist, "Oh wait. Aww... it's our marriage tattoo."

I chuckle, "It's not very original I'd say, but I thought it'd look nice."

He puts a hand on my thigh, "of course it is. It's beautiful... like you."

"Flirting now?"

"Definitely, Love," handing over the small box he has, "Last gift."

Eagerly, I slip off the cover, "It's beautiful..." I wow, cherishing it. An alluring silver necklace embedded with emeralds and a main one in the center. To the sides of the main emerald, a jade waxing and waning crescent moon is on either side of it.

"So you do like it?"

"Yes! It's amazing."

Softly he leans his head on my shoulder, "Good. Colton helped me select it. Then paid the jeweler to destroy every other one so it's the only one of its design."

I laugh, but the face he gives me tells me he means that, "Well tell Colton we owe him a bottle wine or something."

"Ooh yes, he'd greatly appreciate it after the stress I've been putting us through because I wanted this to be perfect."

Giggling happily, we lay down side by side, peacefully enjoying each other and brownies.


Toward the end, I had some chocolate residue left on my fingers. Without warning, he grabs my hand and licks it off then kisses my knuckle gently, "My love," he pulls me near him in one motion, we roll over, him on top. The skirt of my dress gets coils around my knees. Jonas pins me and leans closer to kiss me. He bites my lower lip and a moan escapes. I feel his hand against my thigh while the other holds my wrist next to my head. Slowly, the first hand moves up my thigh and onto my hip.

"Jonas..." I try to say, but we continue kissing. He puts pressure on my body with his own, his hand trailing to my chest.

"Moleve qui soleil," he drawls against my lips. I love you. Bringing his face to my neck. Lightly taking the skin between his teeth and tugging, I shudder while trying to stifle another moan. He puts both arms around my waist. I move my arms to go around his shoulders and neck, threading my fingers through the back of his hair. We find ourselves in the same position we were, 20 years ago, when we first kissed. Only this time, we've been married for years and have two kids together. Never in my life before expiring did I imagine that I'd marry the preeminence, let alone he's expired too.

"I love you so much, Preeminence," I tell him.

He gives one more kiss, "I love you too, my love"

It's just like it has been for these 20 years we've known each other. We lay there, for what I wish was eternity, until Darcy comes over to remind us that it's late and we need to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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