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"Adair, we need you with the soldiers, Zev can't deal with the new recruits. Something about them being fucking morons," Heath called from the other room.

He's been up my ass lately about the new recruits. Zen trains the soldiers. Yeah, he's younger than me, and maybe he loses his temper too easily. But I'm not exactly seeing why that means his responsibilities fall onto me.

I'm too busy for this shit.

Walking into Zen's office, I noticed the frustrated look on his face.

"Tell Zen to get his ass back in that gym. I'm not picking up his shitty rage quits anymore," I spoke to Zen.

He looked at me through furrowed eyebrows. "I'm currently planning the biggest drug run of both of our entire lives, and you want to bring your little complaint to me about our youngest brother?" Zen spoke through gritted teeth.

I rolled my eyes, a behaviour nobody else in this field could get away with in front of Zen. Much to my misfortune, I am his brother, things so trivial don't matter between us.
"Don't expect me to be responsible for the kid that you can't raise properly."

He huffed, "Call him in here then. But first, I need you to check over these plans. Roscoe won't be an easy target but we need to interfere. It's not just our business he's sticking his head in either, we'd be smart to take him out. It wouldn't exactly do anyone but his own business a disservice."

I stalked over to Zen's large oak wood desk covered in papers and devices, checking over the documents surrounding him.

"The blueprints of this house are complicated," I observed aloud.

"There's only two floors but nowhere to hide a package that large. He'd be so obvious. Hundreds of people move through the house according to the cameras."

"So we're stuck on where the coke actually is?"

"Well, it's only speculated to be coke. Large packages come through our territory, marked for that address, all the time. Unless he's moving it around? But there's nowhere else attached to the Roscoe name in the records."

"He could be using an alias. The packages could be a complete throwaway. How much research have you done into this, Zen? Are you even sure he has anything? He's been known to bluff before," I questioned, getting frustrated at our lack of knowledge. We can't go in without a proper, thought out plan.

He spun slightly in his desk chair to glance at me and take the papers I was holding. "We know enough. As far as things go, he's not a large threat in our society. We could easily take him and anyone else in the house and then go looking. Realistically, he's as good as dead right now and he's allegedly holding a good amount of value based on the amount of drugs that could fill those packages."

I relayed his words, thinking everything over before I replied. "Where are the packages coming from?"

"He's intercepting them from other territories, as well as our own according to the amount of loss we're currently witnessing. The numbers aren't adding up in our system."

I nodded, nobody can mess with everything it took to get us here. I won't let it happen. "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow night."

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