✏️-Rough Timeline-✏️

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This is just a 'short' rough summary of the timeline, excluding certain, more specific events like inventions, island discoveries, wars, ect.
This is a little more based in canon than other things.

When I talk about the MW's timeline, I tend to split it into eras.

PM- Pre-monster era. Started with the formation of the monster world and ended with the Celestials creating the Monculi. This era is entirely for lore reasons and has no historical records, due to there not being any mortals around to record it.

PE- Pocket (dimension) era. Ends with the Celestials leaving the Pocket dimension. Historical records are only present on Ethereal Island.

DOF/PC- Dawn of Fire, or pre-cataclysm. Years from 0 to 15000.

GP- Great Pause. An era of readjusting after the Cataclysm. Considered the dark ages of the Monster World, with very little historical records. In fact, many historians are even unsure of its exact length.

AC/CE- After Cataclysm, or contemporary era. These are the modern times. Years reset after the Cataclysm and Great Pause, and the MW is currently in the year 12000.

Before the Monsters
Similarly to many other creation stories, be they religious or scientific, in the beginning there was nothing. Until a new branch sprouted from the Stablo Mjehurića, causing a whole new world to form.
For a while, this new world was mostly empty space, as some would describe it, it was filled with elements and building blocks, as well as 12 entities that slowly came into being one by one.
The Monster World is indeed older than our own universe. This was the state the world was in for most of the dimension's history, until the Celestials met and earned their names.

Together, the Celestials decided to create life. To experiment a little before fully moving on, they made a small pocket dimension, where they began to experiment with life.

The Celestials created many different prototypes of creatures and ways of making them, until they eventually settled on an early species called the Monculus.
After the Monculus, Plixie, Loodvigg, Vhamp, Syncopite, and Scaratar were entrusted with taking the lead for creating the next few species to populate the pocket dimension. Using their elemental energies, they each created a species that would become one of the single-element Ethereals we know today.

Ethereal Era
This era only lasted about two thousand years, making it the shortest apart from the Great Pause.
As more species sprouted from the breeding structure, an interesting social structure developed during this time period.
The Monculi were seen as wise and having a stronger connection to every Celestial. In addition, the Celestials were more present and interacted more with the world.

Something interesting to note is that the Ethereals created different names for the eras after the Celestials left. They called the Ethereal Era the Rising Age, and the start of the Dawn of Fire was called The Fall.

The Dawn of Fire
After their experiments had gone well, the Celestials returned to the main dimension. They forged a massive Continent divided into 5 elemental lands, where they would create what they were planning.

(Quick note: in my interpretation of the DoF era, the Continent is not only babies, and the Outer Islands are not only adult monsters)

The Dawn of Fire was a true golden age for the MW. For 15000 years, technology and civilisation developed. Over time, snippets of land outside the Continent were discovered. There was Cave Island, a gigantic underground cavern large enough for a town. Cloud Island, leftovers of Attmoz experimenting with his powers. Space island, rocky residue high in the sky.
Later on in time, an Edamimi named Amaranth Sunnyfield even managed to tame a Glubber, who they dubbed Party, and she later become the mayor of an island upon the back of their Glubber friend.

But all good things come to an end. And in case of the Dawn of Fire, this was the Cataclysm.

Cataclysm and Great Pause
The Cataclysm was a sudden event, which came as an onslaught of natural disasters. Earthquakes, meteor showers, floods, all shook the Monster World due to an imbalance of energies.

Around 80-90% of the population perished in these events. The rest survived in various points across the Monster World.
The Continent was split at the borders between elemental lands, forming 5 separate islands. When the smoke rose, the separated survivors quickly realised that, somehow, there were no Fire Monsters with them.

Dawn Skyflare is the most revered figure in the Monster World's history. And this is because that this Kayna was dubbed as the saviour of the fire.
While the Catsclysm was starting, they managed to lead fire monsters from their village, to seek shelter in the volcano. Surprisingly, this worked out extremely well, and the residents of the newly-named Fire Haven remained hidden for thousands of years to come.

Meanwhile, the residents of the Outer Islands were struggling too. Each island collapsed in its own way:
-The Glubber leviathan supporting Party Island escaped into the ocean when the Cataclysm started
-Cloud Island and Space Island plummeted.
-Cave Island mostly collapsed, and many of the monsters there escaped into the tunnels around it.

However, the survivors of these tragedies found refuge on the backs of giant beasts called Titans.

The Cataclysm shook even the pocket dimension. When Ethereal island was struck, several single-element Ethereals were suddenly teleported to their respective natural islands, where they are still found today.

Meanwhile, another island that had formed somewhere in the middle of the DoF era, Magical Sanctum, was also shaken by the Cataclysm. Some single-elements for the new class that resided there ended up being sent to what used to be the outer islands. On the backs of the titans, the magical islands eventually developed, named after the elements that arrived there.

The Modern Age

The Great Pause ended after contact was re-established with the natural islands, and the residents began rebuilding a new world. Over time, as technologies slowly returned and islands were discovered, the Monster World became the way we know it today.

And that brings us to 12000AC. Roll credits /hj

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