Chapter 7: Lost In The Wilderness

Start from the beginning

I did my best to fend off the relentless onslaught of infected, firing shots to keep them at bay. Yet, despite our efforts, we found ourselves cornered, trapped in a dead end. Desperation washed over us, and it seemed as though our impending doom loomed ever closer.

I steadied my rifle, my finger resting on the trigger as I anxiously awaited the next wave of infected. With just a single bullet left in my chamber, the odds seemed stacked against us. But then, a sudden eruption of gunfire echoed through the air, shattering the tension. It was a military contingent coming to our rescue, their bullets cutting through the infected with precision.

One of the soldiers approached us, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe now," he assured us.

My wife took a step forward, her voice filled with caution. "Who are you?" she inquired.

The soldier removed his gas mask and helmet, revealing himself to be Lieutenant Mason. He held a rifle in his hands, his demeanour projecting authority. "I'm Lieutenant Mason," he introduced himself. "Come with us. We can escort you to a safe place."

Without hesitation, my wife and I decided to follow them. It seemed like the best course of action given the circumstances. As we walked, Lieutenant Mason strode alongside me, a lit cigar between his fingers. He exhaled a puff of smoke and offered me a compliment. "You're a decent shot with that hunting rifle," he remarked, acknowledging my skills.

"Thanks, I'm a former Marine," I replied confidently, walking alongside Lieutenant Mason. "I know my way around a gun."

Lieutenant Mason turned to me, his gaze serious. "Listen, the world has gone to hell. I'm assembling my own branch of soldiers, and I'm looking for capable individuals. You have experience, and more importantly, you seem like a good man."

He paused, his words sinking in. "Are you willing to join up? It would offer you the best chance of protecting your wife," he added, glancing at her, her fear evident.

As I looked at my wife, the weight of responsibility settled upon my shoulders. I took a deep breath and straightened my posture. "I'm in," I declared, extending my hand to shake Lieutenant Mason's. It was a decision made with the hope of securing a better future for both myself and my wife.

Ellie POV:

As I sat there in the quiet darkness, tending to the cut on my arm, a sharp sting reminded me of the pain I had endured. Suddenly, Cassandra entered the room, raising an eyebrow as she caught sight of my makeshift stitching.

"Need a hand there?" she offered, her voice laced with concern.

I leaned back, inviting her to take over. With skilled hands, Cassandra took over the task and swiftly finished sewing up my wound. A comforting pat on my shoulder followed.

"There we go," she said, her attention shifting to a large map on the desk. "I've located one of the other members."

"Abby?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"No," Cassandra replied, placing a polaroid of Nora on the table. "She's been assigned to a hospital."

I pointed to the medical sign on the map, seeking confirmation. "This one?"

Cassandra nodded, her gaze fixed on the location. "Yeah, that's the one. I'm going this time. I won't miss another opportunity to gather information."

I recognized that determined look in her eyes, reminiscent of Y/N's. I knew better than to argue with her. With a nod, I agreed to accompany her, leaving the theatre behind as we set out to find the hospital and interrogate Nora for crucial information.

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