Playing with reality

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Chapter 24

Playing with reality

POV Felix

-He is playing with u man, he found someone smart enough to get into his head and on the level, but he is still a murderer, man.

-Just the thing that I have his profile and it's on my computer, I need perhaps to talk to him several more times until I will give the papers to police.

He looked at me with regretful eyes, I knew his thoughts well it was my best friend. He went to me hugging as I answered with a warm smile.

-U are a psycho.

He added and I laughed.

-Better tell me about Minho.

I saw the light in his eyes.

The rest of the day was calm as I went to lab to finish my project on the criminal I was working on for several months now. It was a calm evening of Saturday as it was an empty building as I often would come in working with my thoughts and I liked it more like that.

I left to kitchen to take the coffee and returned back only to find him sitting on my chair. To say that it made me wonder, no. I knew he would do something like that.

I entered calmly placing he cup as if it was a colleague to visit me. I ignored him sitting there and straying at me, as I came up to my scanner taking the files out and placing them into the folder and putting in the box near the doors that would go to head of the department to transfer to the police.

I still didn't look at him. He got nervous as. I successfully didn't play along the game he wanted me.

I sat down taking the analysis that came on a new case and was reading them as I took a coffee.

-It was a sleeping pill, not a drug, just a strong one, that's why u felt dizzy. I use those.

He finally said as I looked at him as he was playing with my spinner on the table.

-I woke up to killing that morning cause of u.

I said and he smiled.

-U should try, helps to release the pain.

-I don't have a pain to release unlike u do.

I was still reading the analysis as he got hooked on me again. It made him smirk.

-Talk to me.

So that's the thing...he sons't like if someone ignores him...interesting...I wonder were does it come from....

-Tell me about how u killed u friend.

I said placing the papers down. I took the cup looking at him.

He was silent. Interesting.

I looked over and some kind of sorrow got into me.

-He did something bad, right?

-No, he didn't.

I was surprised to hear that, as usually children act violently on the trigger of doing something bad.

-The voice in my head told me to, so I did.

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