Începe de la început

"What happened?........still can't get it?......wait let me summarize it for you!!!" I said approaching him.

"You thought you found the goods......No we kept the trucks there for you to find them.......There were No goods to begin with.......that was a bait for you...........Those trucks were empty and you being yourself took that bait ....You and that young master of yours both because of your ego bought this upon yourself...........and stop calling them masters they are not royalty for god's sake so stop insulting them." Hearing this he came towards me furiously with a knife to hurt me. I held his hand and kicked him he fell on the ground....I gripped his collar.

"This is what you get when you hurt my people" I said landing hard punches on his face not even giving him a chance to breathe when I noticed Jack looking at us while breathing heavily. I stopped and stood up leaving him all bruised and a bleeding nose.

"I would have gladly ripped you into pieces but damn!! your not mine to kill!!!!" I said getting aside and letting jack come to the frame. He came forward and looked at him with the deadliest expression ever while David took up fear......fear of death........A painful death.

"Yes kill him......kill him Jack.....this is it!!!..... here take this and finish him!!!!" Ron said while handing him his gun.

"NO!!!!!......Killing him would be an easy death for him........he has to suffer 10 times more than he made us suffer......and its justice for Jack and his family so he should be the one to decide whether he kills him or make him suffer....... He is all yours now!!!." I said taking the gun from Ron.

"NO-NO-NO please!!!......Jack-Jack please you know I don't have any personal grudge against you......I only did what I was ordered to......who better than you can understand know how this works!!!.....I was blinded by power.....please forgive me!!!......whatever you say I will do... please leave me I'll be indebted to you ....young mistress please.....I'll do whatever you want.......I can help you with your revenge I know everything about them.....everything!!! can use me.....leave me......I made a mistake young mistress please spare me!!!" He pleaded while we chuckled.

"Like this...exactly like this, she also begged you...but this bastard did not listen to her at not even god cannot save you from me....... I will take account of all your sins!!!" Saying Jack picked him by his collar and started beating him.He begged cried his heart out but he did not listen at all while we just stood and enjoyed the show.

"First mistake, You betrayed my brother like friend!!!!" He punched him making him cough blood. "You became so blinded by your power that gyou forgot the difference between right and wrong." He then picked him again and dragged him.

"Second mistake, You misused your power and scourged those inferior than you." He said smashing him against the glass window and threw him outside.

"You hurt people and took pleasure in it......are people's lives a joke to you!!!!! STINKY PIECE OF SHIT!!!!......Why did you kill my sister...what was her mistake...what harm had she done to you!!!!.......Since childhood and until her death she had never even thought about hurting anyone......let alone doing it.........that poor girl learned to live for love and died for it........But this is not just your is ours too...we taught her to love , but if only we had taught her to protect herself, she would have been alive today!!!!...." His eyes were red with rage......nothing could stop him. He picked up the bat and smashed his head until he was dead....I ran towards them......that scene was so horrifying that my soul shuddered...I went to him and hugged him.

"Its all over did really well....her soul will be at peace now!!!" He held me and started crying. I caressed his back and comforted him.

"Tough day it was!!! guys should head home first he needs rest.......drop him after treating him and head home or Norman will call you again!!.....I'll take of the rest here" Ron interrupted. I nodded we got up and walked ahead.

"Don't forget to treat me dinner loser!!!!" I teased him and Jacked chuckled and moved while limping with one leg. I took his hand and put it on my shoulder and helped him walk.......he was reluctant at first but accepted it eventually.



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