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Sungchan slowly looked around him as he quickly ran to the school entrance.He put on his mask and glasses for today as he went to the restroom and hide in the toilet.

He still couldn't forget what he just did last night.Right now,he's trying to avoid himself from meeting Wonbin cause he couldn't even dare to talk to him at all.He was staring at the door when he heard his phone ringing,someone have been sending messages to him.

Binnie❤️:Jung Sungchan,where are you?

"Park Wonbin,i'm sorry huhu",Sungchan put back his phone when he heard his phone ringing again.

Binnie❤️:do you come late today?

Binnie❤️:do you have your breakfast?

Binnie❤️:i can buy something for you if you want

Sungchan leaned his back against his wall,he started to feel bad because he didn't reply to his messages.

"Ting",another message coming in.

Binnie❤️: i'll wait for you at the school gate..the gate that we had climb together before

"No please huhu",Sungchan felt conflicted.What if Wonbin wanted to meet him to talk about last night?But also,he can't just let Wonbin waited for him.

Sungchan sighed as he decided to meet Wonbin and faced his fear,hoping that Wonbin will be fine and talked to him like they used to be.Sungchan walked out from the restroom but when he's on his way,his hand was hold by someone stopping him from moving.


Sungchan looked at his hand then to Winter."Yah Jung Sungchan!you need to follow me now",Winter quickly pulled Sungchan.Sungchan tried to release himself but Winter already gripped his hand,brought him to their class.Winter pulled Sungchan until they both stood together infront of the class.

"Here I brought Sungchan to clarify to you guys that we're not dating",Winter informed all her classmates while signalling Sungchan to talk.Sungchan was dumbfounded especially with the sudden attention that he received.

"Yah Jung Sungchan!Don't be shy,just admit it.Is that why you wear your glasses and mask?",Eunseok's statement making all the students in the class cheered together,they still think that Sungchan and Winter are dating.

"No we're not dating",Winter denied but she started to feel fed-up cause all the students didn't trust her,also Sungchan did nothing.Winter nudged Sungchan's elbow giving him a sign to speak about it.

"Hey guys,we're not together",his statement was so lame,making all the students convinced themselves that they really are together.Winter sighed and pulled Sungchan's body lower until the same level with her,"Yah can you be more strict?they won't believe us if you don't look firm at all",she whispered to Sungchan.

"Why are you guys whispering?or are you guys gonna kiss?!",another cheer coming after listening to Seunghan's statement.Sohee suddenly walked to the center and raised his fist over his head,"kiss!kiss!",he started to lead as the others followed him.

Winter tried to stop him but they're so loud,couldn't heard her at all.Sungchan was so bored,he wanted to leave that place but then he saw someone familiar at the back.

"Kiss!Kiss!Kiss!Hope both of you will last long!",all the students were cheered for them except for Park Wonbin standing at the corner with his eyes landed at Sungchan's.Sungchan looked at Wonbin holding a plastic bag,that must be the breakfast that he bought for him.Wonbin gave a death glare to Sungchan and walked away from there.

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