Maximals as Vines/Extras

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Cheetor: Mother-trucker, dude! That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick!

Optimus Primal: Watch yo profanity.


Optimus Primal: What?

Rattrap: You're not my dad! Ugly aft... doo-doo head!


Y/n: You know, human studies back then in 2012 shows that keeping a ladder inside the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun. That's why I own 10 guns; in case some maniac of a Predacon tries to sneak in a ladder!


Dinobot: AH! HOT BELGAN WAFFLES! W-wait, I'm alone. I can swear for real! *Deep inhale* SON OF A-


Rhinox: Is he... *Pokes Waspinator's unconscious body* dead?

Y/n: He's Cybertronian, Rhinox. I'm sure he's fine!

Y/n: *Leans over and whispers to Rattrap* There's no cops in this time period; we take this to our graves!

Rattrap: *Winks*


Rattrap: I was awoken by the sounds of mockery. Where is it? Show me the object of ridicule!


Y/n: Just bonk him over the head, Primal; it's nature's snooze button!


Rattrap: *Sees Dinobot accidentally or almost hurt someone* Finally, a good reason to punch Chopperface in the face!


Cheetor: "Road work ahead"? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!


Dinobot: We all die, you either kill yourself or get killed. *Starts dancing* Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?


Rhinox: *Causally makes a machine in peace*

Cheetor: SAIL! *Breaks the machine*


*When Dinobot almost got Rhinox crushed by a stalactite*

Rattrap: What the frag, Dinobot?!


Y/n: I do love helping the Maximals. It's just... we have a lot of laughs.


Y/n: Fuck off, Dinobot! We don't do things how the fucking Predacons would do them!


Y/n: Hey, I'm lesbian.

Cheetor: ...I thought you were a human.


Y/n: *Getting sent to the past, expecting things to go well* A potato flew around my room before you came-

Future Y/n: *Screams from the things she's experienced there*


Megatron: There is only one thing worse than an ally to the Maximals *Pulls down sheet* Boom!

Waspinator: An organic!

Tarantulus: No!


Rattrap: Dad, look! It's the good cush!

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