He puts me down and I take a step back. He looks older, as he's suddenly a lot closer to thirty, with only a few months to go. It's crazy to think he's so far from his early twenties and he's growing up and can most certainly be called a man at this point. It's ages since he had those god awful blonde tips in his hair, and his hair is his natural brown hair and he still has his stubble. There are a few signs of aging on him, but just slightly and if you look for them specifically.

"Je ne t'ai pas vu depuis une éternité," I haven't seen you in forever, he says joyfully while he kisses the side of his cheeks.

"Tu n'as pas essayé," You didn't try, I laugh jokingly.

"C'est dur quand je passe chaque semaine avec un épouvantail," It's hard when I spend every week with a scarecrow, he replies, raising his eyebrows while he uses his thumb to point over at Charles standing by his side.

I laugh and look over at Charles who rolls his eyes while holding back a smile. He shakes his head and he presses the tongue into the side of his cheek. His reaction made me struggle to hold a little smile back.

"Eh bien, je suis content que tu sois là," Well I'm glad you're here, I say, putting my hand on his arm briefly. "Malheureusement, j'ai une soirée chargée, et je suppose que toi aussi," Unfortunately, I have a busy evening, and I suppose you do too.

"Nous pourrons parler de nos gueules de bois demain," We can talk about our hangovers tomorrow, he says with a quick wink.

I give a quick nod before there is a hand grabbing my upper arm and turning me away from the boys. It's Charlotte turning me to the dark haired girl I saw her throw herself at just a few moments ago.

"Céline, questa è la mia migliore amica Marine," Céline, this is my best friend Marine, she says excitedly.

"Piacere di conoscerti finalmente," Nice to finally meet you, I reply, kissing the sides of her cheeks.

"Anche tu, ho sentito un sacco di cose fantastiche e pazze su di te," You too, I've heard a lot of great and crazy things about you, she says, giving me mischievous smile, making me widen my eyes.

"Questa affermazione mi spaventa," That statement scares me, I reply with a gently laugh.

"Non preoccuparti, sono il tuo più grande fan, mi divoro ogni storia su di te," Don't worry, I'm your biggest fan, I eat up every story about you.

With my mouth open I look at Charlotte, wondering what the hell she's said about me to make me sound crazy. I can admit I've done a few crazy things, but really? I don't even know what to say, and Charlotte just shrugs with a grimace trying to act all innocent.

"È ancora più pazza di quanto pensi," She's even crazier than you think, I hear as a firm hand is placed on my shoulder. I look over and the hand belongs to Charles. I scoff and shake my head.

"Dice il ragazzo che origlia un gruppo di ragazze anche se il suo migliore amico è appena arrivato," Says the guy who eavesdrops on a group of girls even though his best friend just got here, I point out.

"Vai a fare cose da uomini con altri uomini," Go do man things with other men, Charlotte says as she pushes him away from us, laughing. He walks away towards his older brother talking to another group of new guests.

"Ci prepariamo tutti e quattro insieme, vieni in camera mia alle sei," The four of us are getting ready together, come to my room at six, Charlotte says with a big smile before she starts to walk toward another group of people.

"Porterò lo champagne!" I'll bring the champagne! I yell after her.

I'm kind of dreading the idea of talking to people I don't really know, so I stand there for a while, watching other people converse. I cross my arms and I look around, wondering if it would be rude if I turned around and hid in the room while putting the flower crown on and off again until I can decide if I like it or not.

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