Chapter 11

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I don't know who announced Charlotte as cupid, because I thought he'd be looking like a baby wearing a diaper and aiming arrows at people, but apparently Cupid is a tall woman with gorgeous hair with a big rock on her finger. I'm just trying to avoid her arrows.

At breakfast we're informed that we're going to play a game together before the other guests arrive and we split up for the bachelorette and bachelor party. While we helped them set the game up, Charlotte's brother, Francesco, came up to me.

He caught me struggling with my task of getting clothes out of the bag and scattering around the lawn. It should be the easiest thing in the world, but my eyes were on Charles who was still talking to the girl from last night. As soon as he came up to me, grabbing the bag of clothes from me, I caught myself and I felt my face heating up as he looked between me and the subject of my attention.

"Ti sta rendendo geloso?" Is he making you jealous? he asks.

"No," I reply, shaking my head and putting a smile on my face as I watch him take the clothes out of the bag and throw them around.

"Ci sta provando?" Is he trying to? he asks

"No," I repeat. I shrug and shake my head, "non credo," I don't think so.

Francesco laughs and looks over his shoulder, finding his sister and then he turns back to look at me.

"Qualcuno sembra pensarla così," Someone seems to think so.

I look over at Charlotte, who is helping someone with another part of the game. I scoff and shake my head again. Of course she's been talking about it. But when I look up at Charles, I meet his eyes. He is looking over at us, and then focuses his attention on the other girl. Is he trying to make me jealous? Of course he wouldn't. Not this long after. We're past that.

"Sarò sincero... Charlotte mi ha chiesto di aiutarti a farlo ingelosire in cambio... in un modo davvero non inquietante. Chi sono io per dire di no durante la settimana del suo matrimonio?" I'll be honest... Charlotte asked me to help you make him jealous in return... in a really non-creepy way. Who am I to say no during her wedding week?

My face gives him a mortified expression, "Non è necessario... davvero. Non ho bisogno di far ingelosire Charles," It's not necessary... really. I don't need to make Charles jealous, I reply as soon as I can form the words. "Tra me e lui è finita, anche se a Charlotte non piace," It's over between me and him, even if Charlotte doesn't like it.

"Allora perché guarda qui ogni trenta secondi?" So why is he looking over here every thirty seconds? he asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Non lo so," I don't know, I reply, looking over at Charles who is acting like he wasn't just looking in our direction.

He wouldn't try to make me jealous, we're too mature now.

But would it hurt to see if he would be? If he's actually trying then it's just a taste of his own medicine. Is it really worth it though? I'm over him, so wasting my time on something as stupid as that would be pointless. Charles looked over again and Francesco put his hand on my shoulder.

"Ridi come se avessi appena detto qualcosa di veramente divertente," Laugh like I just said something really funny, Francesco says again, and for some reason I listen to him and give him my best fake laugh while he begins telling a fake story.

"Questo sicuramente non funzionerà," This definitely won't work, I say while I still fake laugh.

"Oh lo farà, dagli un po' di tempo," Oh it will, give him some time, he replies.

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