Chapter 8.

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There is something I have realized about myself lately. It's that everything creative makes me happy. I can't imagine sitting in a classroom reading books and solving math equations. Dance, music, art or simply doing something with my hands is what makes me the most happy.

As soon as I told Emma I was ready to actually do some brand deals again, she gave me a list of different things different brands wanted me to do. A lot just included sending me stuff so that I could promote it. But I also got to go to Paris and make my own baguettes and croissants. Not long after that I got to go to Italy to see the process of making wine. I even picked the grapes myself. I met a lot of other girls that were invited on the same trips, and I made new friends.

There were things to keep me busy from laying at home and missing my boyfriend who is away all the time. The downside was that sometimes our schedules would clash, and I would be away when he was home for once. So we did kind of get to see each other less, but we kept saying that it just makes it more special when we get to see each other. We could do it when I lived in LA, this can't be much different.

But because I knew it to be so distracting, I brought Evie along with me when she broke the news that Pierre and her had broken up during the week I was in Australia. I can't say it was a surprise when she told me. There had been some issues about her location in Los Angeles. Pierre wanted her home, not only for himself, but because she seemed to change so much whenever she was in LA. I can't say I disagree with him. LA isn't good for her mental health, and by the time she realized that, Pierre was done trying. He couldn't handle the ups and downs.

Charles and I both knew it was coming. Pierre would complain to Charles while Evie would complain to me. Eventually we had to tell them to stop, because their issues made Charles and I argue as well, because we gave them advice the other one didn't agree with. Not long after we told them to deal with their own issues, they broke up.

Evie was obviously heartbroken after ending a nearly five year relationship with someone she was with as she's grown up to an adult. So I took her with me to one of my brand trips. We went to France where we got to test out agility with dogs from a shelter. We would post their names and everything and hope it would bring more people there to adopt.

I can't lie, I was close to taking one home with me without telling Charles, knowing he would tell me it was a bad idea. I did know it was a bad idea though, so I decided against it.

We started with easy stuff such as sit and roll around. We moved on to teaching them to shake hands and jump. At the end of the day we would see if they could actually make it through an obstacle course. I was teaching an Aussi Shepherd and I fell in love with her.

Evie seemed to enjoy it too, teaching a Golden Retriever.

We got to know later that week that adoptions had gone really well after our posts, and it warmed my heart that they're no longer sleeping in cages, and now have warm loving homes with loving families.

There was one event that I really wanted to attend with the same brand. They're really working with contributions and helping out where it's needed. This one would raise money for orphanages and people in the foster system. A few girls, including myself, were invited to do this and I was so excited to go.

I told Charles about it and everything. One day he was supportive, saying it sounded like a great thing and asked me to make a donation from him as well. We were both going to contribute and I would go there and spend time with these kids who really didn't have anyone else. A few days later he came back and asked me not to go because he wanted me at the Monte Carlo Masters with him.

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