twin flames and soul mates

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Seriously readers Stop saying too people have many of these out there in the world
I hear so many do it
You don't have more than one twin flame or soul mate in this life

They are usually put in your path at some stage and alot of the time if you miss that opportunity it's lost forever as they move on with their lives
It's very rear that they come back into your life and if you do happen too get that second chance don't let it pass you by, those connections are too special to pass up

We only have one for each of our lifes
You can run into ones from past life's but I'm told thats rear
Then there's your soul family, family members from past life's that the connection can be easily mistaken for if you don't truly understand the difference between the connection

Ive met someone that I'm sure they married their mother from a past life, that's the type of connection I felt from them, but each too their own if that's what works for them in this life, they don't know about the past life so what's the harm, bonus of not being awakened to that stuff I guess

We do have past life loves that can be mistaken as these as in the past life they would of been on of them but due to the decisions made in their past life, in this life they are userly a karmic twin flame or karmic soul mate sent too teach you the lessons you didn't learn in that past life
The lessons often repeat themselves over and over until they are learnt which confuses so many into thinking it's a twin flame connection
Learn the karmic lessons and realise then so they can find their true match in life, it's a karmic connection from your past life so you can move on too your true connection for this life aswell

The pull between your true twin flame or soul mate in this life will be so much stronger than the others
And yes they are different people (also heard a few readers try and say they are the same), the connection is different for each (look into them) and would be a very rear thing to meet either of them even rearer if you met both of them in this life yet alone having to pick between them so on that very odd and rear occasion if you feel like your in this situation you must of been truly god sent to be blessed like that but it would also be that hardest choice to make, pick quickly, ask your guides for guidance (not to pick for you or to send too signs on which one) and using logic not just your heart when making any of these sorts of choices or you might just loose both

As far as most say expecially when it comes to the guides/spirits/universe (which ever you follow) doing Devine interventions for these sorts of situations
With who ever you are truly ment to be with
You won't be able to fight it no matter what you do
Alot say it's unexplainable

Even if both sides try to resist the spirits/universe (whatever you follow) will make sure it happens when it is ment to happen
Sending signs in all sorts of ways to make sure neither forgot eachother, if they meet then seperate due to timing or whatever got in the way of the connection being able to happen

Some even say that you'll feel that connection and pull even when you haven't met them and you'll meet in an expected way

But that last part I do find a little bit unbelievable, that's like something taken right out of a fantasy story book
Yes it's best to fall in love with the soul before anything else but without meeting them in person how do you know if there's that extra connection that tends to be needed for a lasting relationship, keep logic with you experiencing stuff like this is pretty much like being in a fairytale

Personally Ive had every guy Ive dated and even some guys Ive never even met say they think I'm their soul mate, and at least two say they think their my twin flame, so be careful ladies, some guys once they know your a bit spiritual or into that stuff will try use this stuff too try convince you of a connection that might not even be there

Then there's Devine counterparts but that's another situation again and theres so many mixed ideas on it
I think some confuse this connection with the twin flame or soul mate
The Devine connection is ment too bring out your true best within, unlock your true dreams, help you heal that other side that hides away and brings out that inner Devine within you that alot are disconnected from

But do your own research on this stuff dont just take what I say

Use your own logic to work out what you think
There's alot that will go against what I say thinking everyone has many soul mates or that it's not a rear thing if you happen too find any of these in your life, even rearer if you found your twin flame and your soul mate yet along the thought of it being a miracle if you found all in just one life

Think of how many people there are in the world and somehow you found that person that brings out the best in you, sees the worse but still loves you
That in itself these days is rear

so many want to change their other half or get them to give up their dreams so they can go after their own these days
So many men want to control the woman not love them how ever they need to be loved and so many women just want to feel loved while the man thinks it's all about money or some other superficial thing (don't get me wrong there are plenty of those woman out there but not every woman is like this just like not every man has the wrong intentions)
So many women don't understand what the men wants anymore and so many men have never understood what a woman wants

So if you do happen to find that person that actually loves all of you then hold onto them
That's your soul mate or twin flame whichever you want to call it
Work out which one your relationship best resembles

Why not use it as A little way you can add that bit of magic to your relationship and others relationships with just words experience if you do feel what so many call a connection
Instead of what it should be called LOVE

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