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Karmics come in many forms

Karmic family members are often the hardest too leave behind, I personally think they shouldn't be left behind they are your blood and if you don't show loyalty towards your blood then you can't have loyalty for anyone else either
So many seem to be fully cutting off their karmic family members or their entire family while calling it healing the generational curses, that might work for you and your kids but what about the rest of the family, your nieces and nephews they need the help from the families generational curse breaker as well so the curses are fully stopped in your family don't they.
But fully understand cutting certain family members off like the ones that did real damage to you personally but the rest you do need to see them for who they are, accept the way they are and place them in the right place on that table of your life accordingly

For all other karmics at the end of the day your karmics are sent in your life so you can learn the lessons so you can grow into your best self
When you don't learn the lesson you repeat the lesson with another karmic  until you do learn the lessons

So if you leave before learning the lessons needed
often you find different people that are exactly like the karmic that will teach you the same lesson over and over again until you learn it properly
Some people these days will call them the narcissistic people of their life but if your only meeting narcissistic people then you really need to look in the mirror and ask yourself what you are attracted too, what is making you want to be a part of their life.

Yes I know some narcissists are very good at hiding who they are and when that mask does fall off for the first, second, third time you want to hold onto the good and caring person they protended to be in hopes that they are really that but those rose tinted glasses need too be removed, who they showed you those times the mask fell off is their true self not who the pretend to be, not that mask they show the world so they will be loved.
If you don't learn this lesson you will find them in another person, often a worse or more sneaky version, that lesson I have learnt the hard way.

The father too my first child was one, the controlling violent type too.
The father too my second child was one the antagonist covert type with control and violent tendencies.
As I said often a worse version but still the same personality in another human shell

Karmic getting between a happy couple.... So many need too talk too all sides involved not just take one sides version of events.
Alot want too call the one that gets between a relationship a karmic but in reality if the couple was truly happy then a karmic wouldn't of been able to get between them in the first place, their bond and connection would of been too strong for the so called karmic to get between them.

So think about it, if the couple has been portraying themselves as a perfect couple too the world but still a so called karmic was able to get between them then what they are showing the world is all an act, often one is the abuser and the other the victim playing along just too keep the peace rather enrage the often narcissistic partner.
The karmic is often actually one of the people in the relationship, often the one that's not done any real healing work and/or likes too pass the blame off for their problems, making it so then when the victim speaks up no one will believe them or worse the abuser will play victim so when/if the true victim tries to speak up they seem like they are the toxic one trying too course trouble where they can when in reality they are the victim in a very toxic situation.

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