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Saturday 11pm

Jennie's P.O.V.

It was late on Sunday evening when a storm was raging outside, a crackle of thunder and a distant flash of lightening shone in the distance. Though most found it bleak, I found storms to be peaceful almost poetic lighting up the night sky into a mirage of day as I stared out of the window gazing at the moonlight.

 Though most found it bleak, I found storms to be peaceful almost poetic lighting up the night sky into a mirage of day as I stared out of the window gazing at the moonlight

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Beside me, Lisa was fast asleep. She'd fallen into a deep slumber when we'd been watching a movie marathon in my room and for the past few hours she was sound asleep.

I sat beside her and simply watched in fascination, my hand caressing her cheek. I could tell how deeply she felt anguish and betrayal. How she'd lost respect for those around her and it was all like looking in a mirror. I too shared that heartache but perhaps had dealt with it differently.

She stirred, her eyebrows furrowed as though she was having a nightmare so I gently ran my fingers through her hair which seemed to relax her.

It was hard to explain why I felt such a connection to someone I'd just met but it simply made sense. I liked being around her, feeling an attraction between us. Although she was a mystery, it was clear to see the beautiful kindness within her that she kept hidden. We were both so lost and yet we'd found each other in this labyrinth of life. Surely that had to be a miracle.

When there is such tragedy in your life and everyone tells you that time will make it better, you believe them. But for me that hope only lasted so long. I knew Lisa was like me, we were prevented from moving on like everyone else because we were trapped in our minds that were clouded with sadness and a refusal to let go.

Similarly to her, I didn't want to be in this house either. I'd left long ago but there was unfinished business here yet to complete and I couldn't rest until my parents death had been avenged. It didn't matter about anything else, only setting things back right.

Now Lisa had entered my life, the timing was perfect. Who better to support me on the journey and free us both from the constant heartache than her? If only she could see it too and stop avoiding me. If only she would distance herself from those who tried to intervene between us like Rosé whom she'd recently met.

As she slept soundly I smiled at her, having found my missing half. I wanted her for myself, to make the pain evaporate and nothing would stand in the way.

Sunday 1:45am

Lisa's P.O.V.

There was a loud roar of thunder that woke me from my slumber in a terrified panic as I woke disorientated and glanced sleepily around me. I'd always hated stormy nights. Glancing around, I realised I was still in Jennie's room from earlier when what should have been a brief chat had ended in a long movie marathon.

As I tried to sit up, I felt a light weight across my stomach turning to see Jennie was sleeping deeply beside me with her arms wrapped around me like a pillow. I'd recalled staying in her room last night and us talking to each other more than usual until I'd fallen asleep from exhaustion but that must have been hours ago.

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