The last to enter are Jackie and Shishana who look at the scene incredulously.

Jackie with her naturally prickly personality asks "Why the hell are you all standing there like something incredible just happened?" to which Shishana says to her "Wait, Chitayna and Hyōna are blushing, now that
is something incredible to see surely".
This causes Jackie to double take and then also laugh at the weird scene that is playing out in front of her.

Kenji then remarks while laughing at what just happened "Let's just say that they got what they deserved, well we should get ready for school, we certainly do not want to be late".

They all sit down and eat breakfast, then they brush their teeth and head to school hurriedly seeing as they as Kenji had just said do not want to be late for school.

A few minutes before school Kenji, Chitayna and Hyōna stand together and chat amongst themselves with Chitayna asking "Kenji-Senpai, what were you thinking about me and Hyōna earlier today?" A question the answer of which Hyōna also wants to know "Yes Kenji-Kun, it is not like we don't like being in your thoughts, but please tell us what it was".

Kenji then replies to them "You are  both unpredictable and knowing you two you always find a way to make me flustered" for which Chitayna apologizes "Kenji-Senpai,I am sorry if we inconvenience you sometimes" and Hyöna apologizes too "Yes Kenji-Kun, we are both so sorry if we are a bother to you at any possible moment, we don't mean to do that".

Kenji then assures them by saying "Do not even worry about it, I am just not used to your level of physical touchiness" and then he asks "Now do the two of you want a hug?" Chitayna says "I thought you'd never ask, of course I'm kidding, we're close, right?" she hugs Kenji.  Hyōna says "Yeah what Chitayna is saying, we are close, aren't we Kenji-Kun?" She also hugs.

Kenji of course assures them of this too "Of course we are close,I'm close to all of you girls since we live in the hostel together" and he hugs them back, they sigh, enjoying the feeling.
The three of them chat a bit more until the bell for the start of the school day rings and then they all hurry to their classes knowing how the school's staff value being on time

[In homeroom class]

Kenji sits while they wait for the teacher, thinking about what happened at breakfast. Kenji's train of thought went like this 'It was quite amusing seeing Chitayna and Hyōna blushing like that.' Kireitsune was thinking to herself 'I wonder what made Chitayna and Hyōna blush before breakfast today.' She was quite curious to know the answer to that.

Kenji realizing that Kireitsune is in thought asks her "Hey Kireitsune, what are you thinking about at this very moment?" to which Kireitsune answers "Oh Kenji-Dono, what made Chitayna and Hyōna blush in the dining room earlier?" so Kenji simply answered "They asked me a question and I gave them an honest answer, they did not see my answer coming".

Kireitsune notes "It must've been good Kenji-Dono, like, those two do not blush very often" to which Kenji explains "Me and Tora were alone in the dining room and talking about them made me blush" so Kireitsune then asks "So assuming they noticed that upon entering, what did they ask you Kenji-Dono?" She was very close to getting the answer to her question.

Kenji answers her question "They asked me and Tora why I was blushing and what she supposedly said for that to be so" so Kireitsune asks "And what is the answer that it is you gave them then?" Kenji then says to her "I told them that I was blushing because of the thought of them both." which made him chuckle internally about the happenings at breakfast.

Kireitsune hurriedly asks "Okay, before Sensei gets to class, what were you thinking about them?" So Kenji answered simply "The thing is that they are just so unpredictable and often get quite touchy feely" and Kireitsune remarks "Okay Kenji-Dono, I suppose that could make any guy blush the way you often do around them or when thinking about them."

The teacher walks into class.

[At break time]

Nothing much happened except that Kenji,Chitayna and Hyōna were very bored.

[Lunch time some hours later]

Chitayna and Hyōna explained the situation to the other
girls except of course Tora.
Jackie notes "No wonder the two of you were blushing,I would too in that exact situation" at which Shishana asks "Jackie, are you perhaps saying that if he thought about you and you knew you'd blush?"

Kireitsune said "Okay come on Shishana, let's not work on Jackie's nerves, please."

Jackie thinks 'just be honest' and says "Well to speak the truth, yes, I would
blush at that".

[Thirteen hours later at sleep time]

Everyone bathed and went to sleep soundly for the next day of school.

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