Part 2 - Mission Accomplished.

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"Are you sure about this?" Kirumi asked uncertainly.

Yes. We're back here. We are back outside the house that Miu blackmailed a teacher to let her stay in for a whole month.

Seeing as last time, the goth/emo duo failed to break up with Shuichi's boyfriend, Keebo, they've returned for another try. Hopefully this time, Kirumi's ribs will remain in-tact.

This time, Kirumi arrived in her disguise just in case, her hair all messy, Shuichi's hat thrown onto her head, and a casual hoodie and jeans. She despised the look, but kept it for the good of the mission.

"The last time you tried to break up with Keebo, Miu broke my ribs with her purse." Kirumi winced as she recalled the memory, looking back at Shuichi. She clutched her side protectively as she remembered how Miu's brick-purse rammed into her ribs.

"Look, don't worry, I don't care how guilty he makes me feel, it ends today!" Shuichi said firmly and confidently. This confident didn't last long, though, as his eyes floated back to the floor and his shoulders hunched again.

"Okay..." Kirumi nodded, clearly not convinced. "Earpieces in?"

"Yeah." Shuichi nodded, making his way towards the door already.

"Gloves on," Kirumi checked herself, checking 'gloves' off her mental checklist, and with a sigh she crouched back behind the bush. "...Prayers offered."

Shuichi knocked three times, this time more confidently.

Keebo opened the door less enthusiastically than last time. "Oh, hey, Shuichi." He muttered monotonously.

"Hey, Keebo! Uh, I need to talk to you." Shuichi stepped back to make room for Keebo.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you too." Keebo nodded in agreement, shutting the door softly. He shifted his weight from foot to foot awkwardly.

"Oh, quick, do it now before he says more words!" Kirumi urged, not wanting a repeat of last time, where everytime Keebo opened his mouth, the situation spiraled out of control.

"Well it's—" Shuichi obeyed Kirumi's orders and tried to speak first, but was quickly cut off by the Ultimate Robot.

"—I don't think this is working out." Keebo sucked in a breath through his teeth, examining Shuichi's facial expression.

"Nevermind, let the boy speak." Kirumi said slowly, eyebrows furrowing as she scanned the situation.

"You know, I-I've been thinking about it for a while now..." Keebo murmured, fidgeting with his hands as he avoided Shuichi's gaze.

"Wait for it..." Kirumi gasped, a small smile on her face. Will she finally find a way out of this nightmare?! Will she be able to make it back to Hopes Peak Academy without broken ribs?!

"And...I think we should break up."

"Ha ha!" Kirumi called out triumphantly, pumping her fist into the air. "Success! I will break out the sparkling cider!" She smiled confidently as she brought out a bottle of sparkling cider from seemingly nowhere, along with a bottle cap opener.

Kirumi tried to open the bottle with the bottle cap opener, but to no avail. Kirumi frowned, biting her lip as she continued, the metal clanging against each other. "Why isn't it working?" Kirumi mumbled. She hopes it isn't another weakness of hers... Like... Konjac...

Then, the cider overflowed and sprayed into Kirumi's eyes, making her shut her eyes upon contact, the stinging liquid seeming to blind her for a moment. The sparkling cider sprayed and fizzed for a while, before dying down a little. Kirumi blinked drowsily.

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