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Third Person's POV:

                                       When Veebha started dating Arnab, Shaheer was happy for her. One - because Veebha wasn't in love with Shaheer anymore. Two - because Veebha deserved to be happy, and Three - because Rubina was single now, and Shaheer's always thought she was kinda hot.

He's kind of saw it coming, to be honest. Veebha's been talking to Arnab a lot lately, they're always having secretive conversations at two in the morning. Veebha's glued to her phone, eyes lighting up whenever she got a text from the said boy and whenever they Skype, Veebha turned a bright shade of pink and rushed off to her room and actually locked the door.

So when Veebha came down to breakfast one day, cheeks flushed and eyes shining with joy, and opened her mouth to say, "Arnab asked me to be his girlfriend" Shaheer sling an arm over the girl's shoulder and smiled.

"Congrats, Vee!" Shaheer laughed, ruffling Veebha's hair.

"I knew it!" crowed Pooja triumphantly. "Pay up, Saurabh!"

Saurabh look disgruntled as he took some crumpled bills out of his wallet and shoved them across the table to Pooja.

"You guys bet on my relationship prospects?" asked Veebha, sounding horrified.

"Of course we did," Pooja said, matter-of-factly. "We tried to get Aham in on the bet too, but he said something about 'respecting your boundaries' and 'giving you privacy' and 'Pooja you are the shittiest friend ever.'"

"You were always my favourite," Veebha chirped at Aham and Aham paused from where he's typing out a Tweet to glance at Veebha.

"Congrats Vee," Aham smiled gently, "you going out tonight then?"

"Yeah, Arnab wants me to come over to his place for dinner." Veebha grinned and the way her teeth glint was nearly blinding.

"He better treat you right," Aham said, voice steady and firm, "or else we are going to kick his ass."

"Oh shut up," Veebha replied cheekily, but she laughed anyways, and Shaheer thought that things might start to be alright between them again.

"I'm serious," Aham repeated, "I don't care who he is, he better treat you right."

"Oh he will," Veebha snapped, a bit peeved, and Shaheer rubbed a hand between Veebha's shoulder blades. "Arnab's basically perfect."

Shaheer let himself absorbed the chatter around him, and thought that Arnab might just be what Veebha needed.

Also Arnab loves Veebha in the way that Shaheer couldn't, so Shaheer guessed he owed Arnab one.

He's wrong.

Shaheer walked into the dressing one day, and saw Veebha and Arnab practically eating each other's faces on the couch, and yeah, okay, so that's cool. Arnab's hands are on Veebha's small waist, slipping her shirt up to reveal several inches of pale skin, and Veebha's rocking into the boy's grasp, and it's not that Shaheer's not happy or anything, but he'd rather not see this, you know? He doesn't even like to see Aham and Pooja making out, and here Veebha was Shaheer's ex-girlfriend.

Veebha practically moaned and Shaheer shuddered.

"Get a room," he laughed jokingly, and Veebha broke off from Arnab hurriedly.

"Sorry, Heer." Veebha said hurriedly, looking apologetic. She threw a secretive look to Arnab, and the boy raised his hand in a small wave.

"Hey, Shaheer" Arnab greeted. He wraped his hand around Veebha's waist hard, possessively. "Just... uh... catching up with Veebha."

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