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Third Person's POV:

                                        "She's coming! She's coming! She's coming!" Shaheer screamed as he dashed into the room where his other friends were sitting.

"Woah! Woah! Easy there Shaheer" Saurabh laughed.

"Oh my God! She's finally coming" As if he didn't hear the other boy, he continued screaming and jumping like a wild animal finally freed from it's cage.

"Hey Shaheer!" Pooja tried interrupting the boy's celebration.

"She's coming! She's coming! Oh My Gosh finally!" Shaheer continued his rejoice.

"SHAHEEER!!!!!" Pooja screamed making everyone silent, miraculously Shaheer too. "Thank you!" she sighed in relief.

"Who's coming Shaheer?" Saurabh asked to the boy.

"Oh wait! before you answer the question" Aham interrupted, "make sure it's not anything sexual."

"Eww! Seriously Aham? How dirty is your head?" Shaheer asked the boy in a tone of disgust.

"I don't know!" Aham shrugged. "But I did know a head which need some cleaning" He uttered seductively and winked at Pooja who was beside him.

"Eww!" Everyone responded on chorus expect Pooja who showed no protest to Aham's flirting.

"Get a room you guys" Saurabh suggested. "So who is coming Shaheer?" he asked. "In a total non-sexual way" he added.

"Julie!" the black haired boy responded in delight. "Julie's coming! Oh My God! Finally she's coming!"

"Oh yeah, Julie!" Saurabh nodded. "Haven't see her for a long time."

"I know that's why I'm so excited. I am finally going to see her again!" Shaheer squealed and continued jumping around the room.

"Wait!" Veebha finally spoke up. "Who's Julie?"

"Oh! she's Shaheer's sweetheart." Just as Saurabh said this, his phone started to blink on the tea table in front of them. He picked it up and read the text message.

"Geez! I almost forgot." He exclaimed after setting his phone into his pocket.

"What?" Veebha asked in puzzlement.

"Me and Vin were supposed to meet today and I'm super late. I gotta go guys" Saurabh said and stood up.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Shaheer asked in his glee and asked the boy in plaid.

"Ummm..... I gotta go meet Vin, Shaheer."

"What?" he asked irritated. "What do you mean you gotta go meet Vin?  We're suppose to go pick up Julie, remember?  You gotta be there, Saurabh!"

"I know but....."

"But what? No 'buts', Saurabh! I'll not hear anymore excuses be there or I'll get mad at you!" He turned away from the group and stormed his way upstairs. Poor Saurabh could say nothing to defend himself.

"Oh man!" Pooja rubbed her forehead as the situation gets really rough on her.

"Wow! Shaheer is bitchy today!" Aham observed.

"I know right, he get like this everytime Julie comes to town" Saurabh answered. "Well, I will deal with Shaheer later, now I really have to deal with Vin first."

"Oh wait! Do you mind if we ride with you?" Pooja asked, stopping Saurabh as he was about to exit the room.

"Sure but let's hurry. I'm sure Vin gonna scream at my face when I arrive there. I'm so terrible at giving appointments." Saurav laughed.

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