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"Kit?" Chiara broke first, breaking into a small laugh.

The boy instantly relaxed, running a hand through his hair. "My friends figured it was you when you walked in but we weren't sure. I waited for you to take your glasses off for me to come up."

Chiara stood from her chair and instantly wrapped her arms around the boy. Kit instantly reciprocated and from her point of view she could see half the cast of Heartstopper sitting in the corner of the cafe watching the whole interaction. She waved as they realized she could see them staring and they sheepishly waved back in a frantic manner.

When they broke apart Kit motioned the girl over to the group and introduced them to her.

The girl was already familar with Yasmin, Sebastian, Kizzy, and William so most of the introductions were saved for Joe and Tobie. Kit was gleaming like a puppy showing his owner a new toy.

"What are you guys doing in New York?" she asked after Joe and Sebastian spent the last 7 minutes fangirling over Chiara's new album.

"We're starting production for Heartstopper season three in a few weeks so we're getting situated," Joe answered, picking at his nails.

"It's our day off so we just wanted to explore the city," Kit explained. She nodded in realization.

"Hey!" Yasmin chirped up. She was the closest with ChiChi, always coincidentally being at the same parties as the singer. "Why don't you come with us?"

The group all agreed in unison, hinting they had been planning to offer the idea up all along. Chiara smirked. "Are you guys sure? I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Nonsense!" Tobie waved her off. "We'd love a native New Yorker guiding us Brits around, ChiChi." He attempted to say the last bit in a New York accent but failed completely, exerting a laugh from everyone.

Chiata turned to Kit, who stood by her right, and asked with her eyes. Kit nodded. "We'd love for you to join us, Chiara."

The girl turned too the whole group and watched their eyes physically shape into stars. After the day she's had, she for sure needed peace. "I guess I could get my order to-go."

The group unanimously cheered as they circled the girl, morphing her as one of them.


Tommy was FaceTiming with Wilbur while he was out on a run.

"You blocked her?" Wilbur asked in shock. "I don't understand how this can solve anything."

"I-I panicked!" he stuttered. "I'm mad, Will. Fucking fuming and I couldn't bring myself to block her numbers so I blocked her Instagram."

"You're dead, y'know? She's probably running around her house screaming her head off." Wilbur was currently at home in his studio with a bass in his hand paying no attention to it. "You don't block your girlfriend."

"You don't deny your boyfriend, either," he scuffed. "Mate, you're s'pose to be my friend. Why are you arguing her side?"

"I like her more than you. And I understand her side! Celebrites lie about relationships all the time. How is she different?"

"Because we made it so fucking obvious on stream and social media and... everywhere? Now she's saying we're not together and I just feel embarrassed." He hadn't realized his BPM doubled over and his late afternoon jog turned into a full-on sprint around the city. "Everyone saw my reaction on stream and then Twitter turned to shit. I hate that app, y'know."

"Ignoring her isn't the best option. Who knows what she could be doing right now? Probably planning you death, that is."

Like clockwork, Tommy recieved a text from Tubbo with no context but a link to an Instagram post. He stopped in his tracks to open it.

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