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Tommy was knocked out when a flight attendant nudged him in the head, indicating they had landed a few minutes ago. He shot up, forgetting why he was on a plane.

He looked down at the time and it was 8 am yet he still felt insanely tired. He hadn't realized it was because it would've been 3 am back in Brighton until he had de-boarded.

The JFK Airport was packed with stores he wasn't familiar with. It wasn't his first time visiting New York, but, the reason he was visiting made him feel like a kid lost in a grocery store.

The second Tommy had texted Chiara that he had landed, she instantly called him.

"Where?" Chiara asked, her voice muffled by the crowds of people around her.

"I'm being told to head to a Cell Phone Lot waiting area," he replied. "Whatever the fuck that is."

"That's where I'm waiting, you dildo." At that confirmation, Tommy quickened his pace, slinging his duffle bag over his shoulder.

He walked aimlessly around the terminal, following the signs. It came to a point where he had gotten lost and stopped in place, defeated.

"Tommy, I'm trying to explain it in the best way possible," she laughed, not realizing how exhausted he was.

"Sunbeam, please try and find me. I give up," he sighed into his phone. Leaning against the nearest wall. Over the phone, he heard Chiara's feet shuffle and the sound of running. "You okay?"

"I think... no, yeah, that's definitely you!" she said, exhaling. He looked left and right before spotting a girl running towards him, eyes locked on each other. He got up from the wall he was on and slowly walked towards the girl running at full speed.

"Tommy!" she greeted before jumping into his arms. Like an instinct, his arms wrapped around the girl's waist as she wrapped herself into him. People passed by and smiled at the two, allowing them their own space for their personal moment.

Tommy didn't want to let go. God, he wished he could stay there, holding her forever. She smelt of honey and vanilla and he felt his soul being filled with her scent after each passing second. He had been waiting for the last 3 years to see her - be in the same room as her - and here he was, holding her like water in his hands.

It came to a point where Chiara slid herself down his body to stare up at him in wonderment. He hadn't realized the girl was wearing an oversized hoodie with the hood still holding onto her head until he fully took her in. It looked as if she weren't wearing any shorts and that sent Tommy's mind through the roof.

Chiara hadn't realized it but he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand which he awkwardly presented to her. "They would've looked better if it wasn't for, y'know, turbulence."

"No way you brought these all the way from England," Chiara giggled, taking them from him and holding them to her chest. "These are English flowers. How lovely, Tom, thank you."

Tommy held out a hand and patted the girl's head, making her neck scrunch down. "You're practically a gremlin," Tommy laughed as he looked her up and down. "I hadn't realized what your true height is without you wearing those big shoes you wore at your concert. You are a twig, Ara."

"You asshole," she playfully rolled her eyes. "You're a stick personified. The New York wind might blow you over the second you walk outta here."

Tommy mindlessly grabbed hold of her pinky while they walked to her car. She looked around, making sure no one recognized her as they looked for it in the airport parking lot.

"You're driving us?" Tommy joked. "God bless us all." She shoved her hand into his face before they found her car and threw his bags in.


cara mia || tommyinnitजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें