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"H-huh?"Yoongi said
He sat on the couch with Jimin on his lap.
"Bring water Kook"Yoongi said
Jungkook wents to bring water.
After sometimes he came back with water.
Yoongi sprinkle water on Jimin's face.
Jimin slowly starts to open his eyes.
"D-dadda"Jimin said
"Yes my baby, dadda is here only"Yoongi said
"D-dadda, minnie tired"Jimin said
"Sleep baby"Yoongi said
"H-home"Jimin said
"Yes, we are going home, you sleep"Yoongi said
Jimin hugged Yoongi and closed his eyes.
"We are going now"Yoongi said
"Okk Hyung"Taehyung said
"Do visit us again with minnie"Jungkook said
"I will, bye"Yoongi said
"Bye"Taekook said
They bid goodbye to each other and Yoonmin wents from there.

Time skips at home.
Yoongi was sitting in his room when he got a call.
He looked at the caller I'd and picked the call.
"Hey Yoonie"Someone said
"Hi Jinnie hyung"Yoongi said
"How are you?"Jin said
"I'm fine, wbu?"Yoongi said
"I'm also fine, we are coming today"Jin said
"Ohhh really?"Yoongi said happily
"Yes"Jin said
"Okkk, I'll prepare alot of dishes for you, come fast"Yoongi said
"Okkk baby"Jin said
They talked for sometimes then Yoongi cutted the call.

So basically, Jin is Yoongi's elder brother, he is married with Kim Namjoon and they both have one kid named as Niana, she is 7 years old.

"Let's make tasty tasty food for my hyung"Yoongi said
He saw Jimin sleeping peacefully.
He kissed Jimin's cheek.
Then he wents downstairs to make food.

Time skips after 1 hour.
Yoongi was making food when someone came from behind and hugged him.
"D-dadda"Jimin said in sleepy voice
"My baby woke up"Yoongi said
He picked Jimin from the floor and make him side on kitchen's counter.
"Dadda, minnie still sweepy"Jimin said
"You can sleep baby"Yoongi said
"Want dadda beside me"Jimin said
"I have work baby, I can't sleep"Yoongi said
"Then minnie also won't sleep"Jimin said
"Alright, what you wanna do?"Yoongi said
"Me wanna watch cartoon"Jimin said
"Then go to the living room and tell noona to turn on the TV"Yoongi said
"Okkk dadda"Jimin said
He wents to the living room.

He came to the living room.
"Noona noona"Jimin said
"What?"Maid said rudely
"Noona, turn on the TV"Jimin said
"Don't you have your own hands?"Maid said
So basically Yoongi hired new maid cause old one went somewhere.
"Noona, minnie little so please on the TV"Jimin said
"Shut up"Maid said
She pushed Jimin who fell on the floor.
She took out a blade and made a little cut on her knee and sat on the floor.
"AHHHHH"Maid yelled
Listening to her yelling Yoongi came to the living room.
Each and every maid came there.
"Are you alright?"Yoongi said
"N-no, this b-boy pushed m-me"Maid said
"Jimin"Yoongi said in a stern voice
"Dadda, she is lying"Jimin said
"No sir, see t-this wound, ahhhh i-it h-hurts"Maid said
"You have guts to lie"Yoongi said sternly
"DADDA, SHE ISH LYING"Jimin yelled
Jimin flinched badly.
"To your room now kid"Yoongi said
Jimin didn't said anything and wents to the room.
"Take her to the doctor"Yoongi said
"Sir, you are also doctor, you can treat me"Maid said
"I have to see my baby, take her"Yoongi said
He then went upstairs.

He came to his room.
"Jimin"Yoongi said while entering the room
"Dadda, beleive minnie, minnie didn't pushed that aunty"Jimin said
"Alright, I beleive my minnie, stop crying"Yoongi said
He hugged Jimin.
"D-dadda s-shouted on m-minnie"Jimin said while crying
"Shhhh, dadda is sorry my love"Yoongi said
After sometimes Jimin calmed down.
They heared a knock on the door.
"Come inside"Yoongi said
A maid came inside the room.
"Sir, elder master is here"Maid said
"Made him sit in living room, I'm coming"Yoongi said
"Okk sir"Maid said
She wents from there.
"Who came dadda?"Jimin said
"Your uncle"Yoongi said
"Tata uncle?"Jimin said
"No"Yoongi said
"Junglebook uncle?"Jimin said
"No"Yoongi said
"Then who?"Jimin said
"Come let's meet him"Yoongi said
He held Jimin's hands and took him downstairs.

He came to the living room.
"Hyung"Yoongi said as he hugged Jin
"How's my baby?"Jin said
"I'm fine, I missed you alot"Yoongi said
"Me too"Jin said
He then meet Namjoon.
"Hey baby"Yoongi said
He picked Niana in his arms.
Someone standing behind Yoongi was burning in jealousy.
"How are you my baby?"Yoongi said
"Niana fine untel"Niana said
"Aigoo, my cute baby"Yoongi said as he kissed Niana's cheek
"D-dadda"Jimin said
"Who is he Yoonie?"Jin said
Yoongi made Niana sit on the couch.
"He is Jimin hyung, I adopted him"Yoongi said
"You adopted a boy and didn't even told me"Jin said
"I didn't got the time hyung"Yoongi said
"Fine fine"Jin said
"He is Park Jimin, he is little space"Yoongi said
"He is so cute"Namjoon said
"Minnie say hi to your uncles"Yoongi said
"H-hi uncles"Jimin said nervously
"Come here minnie"Jin said
Jimin looked at Yoongi.
"Go to him baby"Yoongi said
Jimin wents to Jin.
Jin made him sit beside him.
"Why are you being so nervous?"Jin said
"Minnie is not nervous"Jimin said
"Aigoo, I'm Jin, your uncle and he is Namjoon"Jin said
"Nin uncle and Joon uncle"Jimin said
"Yes, aren't you so cute"Jin said
"Minnie cute cute"Jimin said
"See, she is your little sister, Niana"Jin said
"My sister?"Jimin said
"Yes your sister, a baby sister"Jin said
"She is cute like minnie"Jimin said
"Yes, she is"Jin said while chuckling
"Minnie, got a new sister and friend"Jimin said
"Yes minnie can now play with her sister"Jin said
"Yesh nin uncle"Jimin said
Time skips.

Right now Jimin and Niana was playing while sitting in living room.
When Niana wents to Yoongi and sit on his lap.
Seeing this all Jimin got jealous.
He got up and wents to them.
"Get up, it's my dadda's lap"Jimin said
"No, I won't, itsh my untel lap"Niana said
"No, get up"Jimin said
Niana didn't got up.
Everyone was looking at them, they thought the kids are not seriously fighting but then
Jimin grabbed Niana's hair and pulled them.
"GET UP"Jimin yelled
"Leave her hair Jimin"Yoongi said
He somewhere took out Niana's hair from Jimin's grip.
Yoongi wasn't able to control himself anymore so he slapped Jimin.
He slapped Jimin but not that hardly.
"D-dadda"Jimin said while looking at Yoongi with his teary eyes
"Go to your room"Yoongi said coldly
Jimin didn't moved from his place.
"Go to your room don't make it hard for yourself"Yoongi said coldly
Jimin wents to his room while crying.
Yoongi looked at Niana who was crying.
"Shhh, stop crying baby"Yoongi said
"Give her to me"Namjoon said
He took Niana from Yoongi.
"Yoongi you shouldn't have slapped him"Jin said
"He is being bratty hyung"Yoongi said
"He was just jealous Yoonie"Jin said
"I know but it doesn't means he will hurt Niana"Yoongi said
"I got it but go and make him calm now"Jin said
"Fine"Yoongi said
"Go now and make my baby calm, you slapped him so hard"Jin said
"It wasn't that hard"Yoongi said
"Go Mr Mafia before I beat your ass"Jin said
"Going going"Yoongi said
He got up and wents to his room.

To be continue:)
Your favourite moment from this ep?
Will Yoongi punish Jimin?

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