💥 EVIL . (Og 10k special, now 40k special <3)

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So this was going to be the 10k special but damn we already hit 40k I love y'all sm <33333 but y'all won't love this shit, I swear.

Y/n is gn!

Btw I'm going to be part of this special (yippee)

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A low jingle of some bells could be heard, Y/n was sitting alone in the floor, so they looked up, a menacing looking clown was looking down at her, he kneel and grabbed their hand gently, the bells hanging on his collar making sound of the movement, the clown looks at Y/n with a worried expression on his face.
"Don't.. Give me that look! I'm fine, I just need to be alone, Allare." (Idk how to fucking call him 😔)
Allare just stare at their eyes, his worry just growing stronger, he looked away and started thinking, one of his hands on his cheek, then a click sound could be heard and he realized, his white face became red rapidly and looked back at Y/n. They looked away with a sad expression, Allare started 'screaming' but the only thing getting out of his lungs was the jingle of bells. He made a cartoony tantrum as he 'screamed', far away, Ragatha was walking, she noticed Allare and Y/n and quickly run to them.
"Hey! Calm down dear! What's wrong?" Ragatha said softly, trying to calm down Allare, he looked at her and whispered something on her ear, his angry expression never leaving his face. Ragatha's eyes wide opened and went to Y/n.
"You know, you can tell us if something is wrong, right?" Y/n looked at her, and broke in tears, hugging her. Ragatha quickly hug them back and rubbed their back. "Tell me everything.. This is your safe place."


Loud jingle noises could be heard as Y/n vented to Ragatha.

Loud jingle noises could be heard as Y/n vented to Ragatha

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(Yeah I changed my art style. Pls don't use my art for any purpose! And no, those are not the real proportions of Allare, he's like a bit more tall than Jax and more muscular, but not too much.)

Ragatha was sad, and mad, but not like Allare, that man was about to kill Jax.


"Hi love!" Y/n said as they approached Jax, he didn't turned to look at them, he was too busy making Gangle cry. "Jax? Jaaaaaaax!" Y/n grabbed their boyfriend's arm and shake him, Jax groaned and looked back at them. "What do you want?" Y/n smiled and kissed him. Jax backs a bit as they kiss them and made a disgust face, Y/n felt bad but thought it was just one of his silly pranks. "Oh come on! Don't give me that face, I know you like these!" They started kissing him all over his face, Jax tried to get them of him while saying things like "Eww stop!" Or "You're so annoying!"


Jax was admiring himself in the mirror, Y/n was watching him with a blush on their face.
"You look gorgeous today! Like always.." "Like always?" Jax stopped admiring himself and looked back at Y/n. "Are you making fun of me? Am I a clown to you?" Y/n got surprised and quickly denied with their head. "N-no! I mean.. You always look-" "Ugly right? That's what I am to you. A fucking monster." Jax said, showing disgust and fake sadness on his face.
"No, dear! You're so beautiful and.. And... Majestic! And.." "You don't love me, this is all fake. You don't value me enough.." He finally said and leaved the room, leaving Y/n, making them think they're the problem. Making them think they're the most horrible person in this digital jail.

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