Chapter II

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You're running. Running faster than you have ever run before, but why are you still standing in place? You turn to see a person walking toward you. Their silhouette is just as evil as before. They get closer and closer. You caution them to stay back. They just keep walking as if your voice had become lost in translation. At that moment, their face became real. You could see facial features. You... It was you. Why are you attacking yourself? Don't you recognize yourself. Beep! Your evil self pulled out a bouquet of flowers. Beep! You kindly accepted the bouquet. When you looked down... Beep! The bouquet was bloody. Beep!


It's just a dream. Your alarm went off. You got up out of bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. It was a beautiful morning. Full of blue skies and sunrise! Today is the day you get to meet your prince again. If he was even real that is. What if he was just some figment of your psychotic mind. You calmed your thoughts. It was way too early for that.

Chester, your loyal cat, stood on your foot. He purred as a demand for food.

"Okay, little buddy.", you said as you made your way to the kitchen.

You opened up a can of Fancy Feast, smoked salmon. He sat at his bowl waiting, so you plopped it into his bowl. The dream/nightmare you just had was long gone. Today was going to be a good day; you could feel it! With a sweet, silly smile on your face, you bounced over to your closet to pick out an outfit for your afternoon coffee with the prince of your awaiting dreams. You smile so bright, but it must have been the sunlight coming through the window.

You peered at the clock on the wall. 1:58p.m.! Crap! You're gonna be late! Did you really sleep all morning? Thank God you didn't have work that day. You ran back and forth through your apartment as Chester watched you in amusment. He meowed.

"Do you think he'll like me Chester? What if he isn't interested anymore and stands me up? DOes he even like brunettes or does he like gingers? Should I wear this pink top since it's a nice day? Yes! What about these shoes? They're simple, right? Yes! I think I look adorable!"

Chester sat there licking his paw. You palm made instant contact with your forehead.

"Cats don't talk, Essi. Dumb!" You grabbed your cardigan and ran out the door.


You parked your old vintage beetle a block down from the Starbucks near Mr.Lucky's. Assuming he meant that Starbucks. You checked yourself out in the window of a guitar shop. Cute... wait. Before, you never cared how you looked. Why now? Has meeting this boy changed you.

"Ed Sheeran. Edward? Ed. Short and sweet.", a smile bloomed on your face.

You looked down at your phone, it was 2:26p.m. Good, you're on time. The Starbucks was right on the corner across from the drudgery Mr.Lucky's. Suddenly, a pair of large hands wrapped around your arms. A scream raced from your lips. Your reflexes caused you to elbow the enemy in th gut... so you did. Really hard might I add.

"Aaaaahh! What the f-?!" The enemy collided with the ground. You turned to see the familiar ginger locks. It was the boy, Ed, holding his stomach. Your heart drop to your feet. You bent down to help him up.

"I'm so so so very sorry! I thought you were... ya know... a perv or something.", you laughed in a faker manor than usual to see if he was okay.

"It's fine, love. I wouldn't want you to let just any man touch you, right?", he laugh also, but his laugh was genuine. " Shall we?". He extended his elbow out for you to take. You accepted.

The two of you walked to the Starbucks. Ed kept looking over his shoulder for some odd reason. You just ignore it. You didn't want to judge him when you hadn't given him a fighting chance at your heart. If he even wanted your heart? Then, you pouted at the thought of rejection.

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