what the hell is going on?

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IT WAS NOW WEDNESDAY, yesterday was peaceful. Vivien loves spending time with her mom. They talked about many things. They binge-watched many shows together and had fun.

Before school, Marta helped her cover the bruises. Vivien wore a hoodie and sweatpants again, but it was way hotter. She was sweating in her car and when she got out.

As Vivien walked into the school, everyone looked at her and then started whispering but, this time, it wasn't just about her. It was about her and Luke.

"I heard Luke got kicked out of his school."

"Why is she wearing that? It's so hot out."

"Maybe she's slowly gaining weight and she's trying to cover it."

"Oh my gosh, that is like so rude."

"I think Luke moved countries."

"I wonder what happened."

Many whispers were heard as Vivien walked towards her class.


Vivien snapped her head towards the voice that called her. It was Kiera catching up to her.

"I can't believe you left me alone at school yesterday! I have so much to tell you!" Kiera exclaimed, walking beside Vivien.

"Sorry, I told my mom what happened and she wanted to have a mother-and-daughter day," Vivien explained, making Kiera nod in understanding

"How'd she react?"

"Pressed charges."

"What? Is that why everyone is talking about how Luke is moving to Canada?" Kiera questioned, tilting her head as she looked at Vivien who also looked confused

"Oh, what? I didn't know that part." Vivien sighed as she continued, "I guess so. Jocelyn also knows she overheard our conversation in the washroom." She added

"So that explains her Instagram post..." Kiera hummed, looking away from Vivien lost in her thoughts. She snapped back and spoke again, "How you holding up though? Are you feeling better?"

Vivien nodded, "Yeah, it's getting better. How about you? Did Ace finally stop being a dick and talk to you?"

Kiera laughed and lightly nudged her shoulder, causing Vivien to join in the laughter. It died down until Kiera answered, "Actually, he did. Yesterday after school, he offered me a ride home. We talked it out at my place and stuff. So we're good now."

"That's cute, my mom wants me to try to talk to Javon today." Vivien huffed and sighed

"Hey, I'm sure it will turn out gre—" Kiera got cut off by the bell, "Shit, I have an exam! I'll talk to you later, V. Bye, love you!"

Vivien smiled and waved bye, sighing as she entered her class


It was now lunch, and Vivien didn't know if she should talk to him during lunch or after school. He would always eat in his car during lunch. Vivien sighed and went outside to the parking lot, trying to spot his car.

She spotted it at the same parking she had seen him last time she talked to him here. He was on his phone, not noticing her presence.

Vivien knocked on his window, he jumped in surprise but then when he saw who it was, he ignored her. She knocked once again, no reply. It was getting kind of awkward.

She groaned at his stubbornness, she was about to turn to leave until she heard a voice,

"Hey bubs, I got the sour Skittles you wanted."

BEST MISTAKE, javon waltonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz