(Of course he dyed and cut his hair to look more...bada** in a sense and not look like his parents entirely)

Age: 16

Gender: Demiboy, He/They, definitely told his parents about his gender though.

Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual, honestly he doesn't deny his sexuality just rarely tells anyone is all especially his parents

Personality: Sure he has good parents that live happily ever after as parents but that doesn't mean he is a good person which he really isn't. He would consider himself in the middle of good and evil mosyly evil though since he likes to do bad things. He is very cold and blunt towards people but can also be happy towards people, he can fake his emotions quickly making them so believable that other people never even notices it. He tends to be mostly faking his happy faces though like 90% of the time as well.

They are really good at observing other people especially their conversations and tends to dig up dirt about EVERYONE in the school so he can blackmail them later. They are silent yet dangerous just looks around coldly at people or keeps to himself until the time is right or when he has something snarky to say.

He doesn't seem himself as more so the 'goodguy' in any story or the person who will be all hapy and sunshine to towards people as well, he isn't capable of doing that and he rather not fake it too much either unless he has to. Don't trust them too much, he may betray you in a heartbeat don't let him fool you either. Surprisingly, under all of this he actually has a heart somewhere, of course he took his parents personalities and isn't a complete a-hole honestly. He just refuses to follow into his parents path or any good destiny for that matter and rather do bad things than good things. He is very defiant and stubborn especially towards his parents. If someone can get close enough to him, he is actually a full time geek and gets good grades to be honest. He can be a bit sensitive under all of that rough exterior and the interior he is can be a soft person towards people he cares about.

Ability: The most he can do is communicate with animals, his mother nor father didn't really have any powers so he relies on his sheer strength and intelligence which is incredible to say the least.

Ability explanation: To elaborate on his well so called 'ability' he would hate actually, he can emphasize, perceive what they say and communicate with animals.

Likes: Defying his parents, smoking, candy, food, sewing, stargazing, taking pictures, making memorable moments with friends, cats, animals, arts and crafts really calm him down, reading, fun facts, music, rain, doing his nails, falling leaves, word games, puzzles, brain teasers, seashells, snow globes, dying his hair, etc.

Dislikes: His abilities, his parents, his aunt (semi enjoys besides her singing), rules, poetry, plays and stages, holidays, annoying or fake people, walking, baking, cooking, documentaries, heights, broadway musicals (I sweat if people start singing in the rp, Marcell is gonna be out -), random objects talking, open waters, slam poetry, fireworks, thunderstorms, etc.

Strengths: Faking emotions, his intelligence, his fighting skills, lockpicking, brave, independent, determined, logical, driven, ambitious, quick-thinking, having quick reflexes, alert, knowing information about a lot of people, creative, well-rounded, very adaptable to situations, knowing when to back off or to stop, can be a bit trustworthy at times.

Weakness: Arrogant, stubborn, a bit defiant, rule breaker, actually an overthinker, blunt, cold, a bit unloyal, tends to faking his emotions leads to problems where he can't identify or pinpoint what he is feeling at exact times, poor balance actually due to his sight being well poor as well, has depression too, fireworks.

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