Chapter 2: The meeting

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Regina broke away from the group into the forest, her favourite place where she did all her thinking. Without Henry her life was pointless and her heart ached to see him again. She knew she wouldn't, but she liked to pretend she would. Using all that anger and sadness she thrust her hand at her chest and into her body, getting a firm grip on her heart and yanking it out. She turned around looking for a perfect hiding place. She found a nice bit of soil perfect to cover up the deed.

There was rustling behind her. Regina quickly covered up the last of her heart as snow-white came through the trees.

"What are you doing?" Snow questioned concerningly "Regina?!"

"Nothing" Regina replied emotionless

Regina watched helplessly as Snow walked over to where her heart was buried and started to dig.

"No don't" Regina tried to hide the panic in her voice and did so, badly. As Snow's digging just got faster.

"Regina", Snow sounded disappointed "Who's heart is this?"

Regina didn't respond she couldn't. She didn't know how to explain why she did it.

"Is this your heart".Regina still didn't reply "Regina why.. why would you do this... its because of Henry isn't it.. you know there was nothing you could do."

" I could've done something. I could have figured something out. HE'S MY SON."

"But why rip your heart out. Trust me from someone who knows it does no good the pain will never truly go away, it's better to feel as the pain with eventually leave."

Regina listened taking it all in, as Snow handed her her heart. Regina knew Snow was right and what she had to do. Yet again she brought her hand up to her chest and into her body, letting go of her heart.

"Screech". Regina looked up just in time to see a big winked money flying at her from the sky. Regina grabbed at Snow as they ducked and pulled eachother to the ground to avoid the Monkeys sharp claws. As the monkey circled back round to come at them, an arrow came shooting through the air hitting the monkey's wing. As Regina, now lying on the ground, turned around an arm stuck out of a muscular man with a bow and arrow in hand, offering to help her up.

"Milady. Your injured"

"It's 'Your Majesty'. And I'm fine' Regina retorted annoyed at the disturbance.

"A simple 'thank you' would suffice". Regina could see he did not like her already , which was fine by her as she didn't like him either.

"We didn't ask for your help" Regina smiled a shy grin on her face.

"CUTTT!!!!" Ths director yelled. " Lana can we do that line again but with anger after the line not a smile" The director laughed. Lana always joked around with the cast so she just pretended that she was just messing around, but secretly she smiled because she couldn't help it when looking into those eyes. She realised unlike Regina she was falling in love.

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