At that moment, Diana walked quickly to the second prince’s side. She stretched out her slender arm and hooked it around the second prince’s shoulder. Then, before the second prince could react, she bent down, her soft lips pressed against the second prince’s mouth. That kiss made the second prince’s pupils dilate, and a red cloud quickly rose on his face.

As a prince, he had seen countless beautiful women. However, Diana was different from all the beautiful women he knew. It was as if the woman in front of him was the most beautiful of all the women; she was the goddess that he was destined to meet. A long breath of aftertaste accompanied the sweet and delicious kiss. It made him feel as if he had fallen into a dream and could not extricate himself.

“Hmph, I did not expect Diana would not let even a mortal off. I think she should not be called the moon goddess, but the wanton goddess.”

Gaia saw what Diana had done and stood to complain. Even though she was complaining, she still extended her right hand toward the World Tree that had become dozens of meters tall. With a light pinch, the World Tree immediately shrank. She pinched it into a ball of emerald green liquid. Not only did that liquid have the aura of life in the color of emerald, but it also had the glittering blessing of fertility from her goddess of the earth. One after another, illusions that looked like plump wheat ears rose from the emerald liquid.

“With the name of the goddess of the earth and fertility, Gaia, I hereby bless that young man in front of me to be able to bear the energy of the World Tree. He will be able to bear everything just like the earth.”

As Gaia prayed, the World Tree sap turned into a stream of emerald light and entered the second prince’s body. As the liquid entered his body, the second prince’s body immediately emitted a thick and heavy aura, and his tier continued to rise.

The second prince’s strength was not weak. He was at least gold-tier. However, as the aura of the World Tree entered his body, his tier instantly rose by an entire tier. He had entered the platinum tier and was still rising. He did not stop until he reached peak platinum-tier.

“I’ve also reached the platinum-tier?”

Feeling the powerful strength coming from his body, the second prince pushed Diana away. He casually extended a finger from his right hand. An emerald green vine immediately stretched out from his hand and swept across the ground. It broke the ground, leaving a ditch that was more than ten meters long.

“Eldest Brother, I seem to have become stronger than you.”

Feeling that the branches of the World Tree that he could control now seemed to have become one with the World Tree, the second prince could not help but say in pleasant surprise. The first prince’s expression was very ugly when he heard that. He had finally eaten the Blessing of the Gods and Demons and turned into a platinum-tier angel. He had thought that he would be able to suppress his other two younger brothers, but he did not expect his second brother to become even stronger than him.

“Do not be anxious. That level is not considered powerful. Next, you can become even more powerful.” King Landhar III’s voice rang out behind the two of them. “You have been my sons for more than 20 years, especially my eldest son. Previously, I was a little too harsh on you, and I have never given you any rewards. At that time, I will make it up to you.”

“Thank you, Father.”

The first prince and the second prince agreed in unison, their hearts filled with doubt. Usually, King Landhar III was not only strict with them, but he also always had an expression of disappointment. At that time, King Landhar III was so amiable that they were not used to it. That was the first time King Landhar III had said such a thing.

My Fusion System: Fusing a Thousand Chickens at the StartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang