1.8 | you curse everyone you touch (revised)

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Katherine's lips pulled into a smirk as she looked ahead at Astoria."Make his heart bleed."

Astoria inhaled sharply upon hearing her words. Part of her hadn't truly grasped what she was planning to do here. She was going to make Klaus fall in love with her so that she could bring him to his knees. It sounded crazy when she thought it. If it were anyone else she would've felt bad. But come to think of it, her whole life had prepared her for a moment like this. There was no one else that could do it. Since she was was a child she had been raised to lie and manipulate people in order to survive. She could do it with ease to people who trusted her, who would call her a friend. Before, the only real consequence was disappointing Katherine. If she failed in front of Klaus, it could cost her life. But she had been waiting her entire life for a moment where she could prove herself to Katherine. This was that moment. She couldn't let her down.

Astoria banged her fist against the wooden door to Klaus' home, waiting for him to answer it. She was somewhat annoyed that he didn't open it immediately, seeing as he was the one that told her to come see him, and she was already upset with him to begin with.

She knew that she couldn't be too nice to him, to willing to accept that Katherine had left her behind, or too clingy to him. If she was, he would suspect that something was wrong. She would have to push him away, express annoyance, which wouldn't be hard to do. After all, he was the reason why her and Katherine would be splitting up, and she had no idea if she'd ever see her again once that happened. Any anger she felt was real, and justified in her opinion.

Astoria had no desire to see him. She had work to do. She didn't know how long she would be here for or be without Katherine. Katherine had left her a good amount of money, and she compelled someone to deliver food and fire wood to the house once a week when they first arrived, so she would be good on that. But Klaus wouldn't know that. He assumed she had been completely abandoned, which meant Astoria had to play that part. She had to try and find work, find a way to earn money and be able to afford basic necessities. If Katherine did leave her behind, that would be her main concern. Not yelling at him.

Growing annoyed and worried that he hadn't opened yet, Astoria placed her hand on the door knob and twisted it open. One benefit to her being human was that she didn't need to be invited on, and vampires hardly locked their front door.

She stepped into the home, the door creaking as she pushed it open and the floorboards shifting beneath her weight. She wondered why he selected an older home that was in desperate need of repair. She hadn't asked him about it the last time she was here because he said it was his father's old place. That clearly wasn't true.

She had only been inside his once before so she wasn't entirely sure where she might find him. A few days ago, on her birthday was when she was here. She had been happy then. Blissfully ignorant about what was really going on, but happy.

Inside the house was dark, which wasn't surprising. The interior itself was made of a dark wood, the furniture as well. The house was surrounded by trees and since it was cloudy outside, there was very little light come in. Her hand gripped tightly around the handle to the basket she held as she closed the door behind her. She took a few more steps into the house until she came across a room to her right. She saw Klaus sitting on a stool in front of an easel, not even looking up from his painting.

"You invite me over, yet you could not even bother to walk three feet to the front door?" Astoria furrowed her brow, annoyed that he was just sitting and painting.

"The door was unlocked," He mused, not even looking at her.

"Why are you still here?" Astoria demanded in response, furrowing her brow. She didn't know what she expected from him. But seeing as he was the one who invited her over, she figured he would have at least something to say to her.

this is where i'll be waiting for you ➳ klaus mikaelson [ the vampire diaries ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat