Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Logan: Just make sure she knows she's worth it to you.

Justin: Every day.


Ashley waited nervously in the foyer the next morning, she paced for nearly an hour before Logan showed up, dragging his suitcase behind him.

He froze when he saw her and she saw the pain flash in his eyes before she took a deep breath, holding up the car key, she said, "Want a ride to the airport? You can say no, but I promise to behave myself."

"Where's Justin?" He asked carefully.

Ashley shrugged, "Probably still in bed. I told him last night before I went to bed that I wanted the chance to talk to you."

She saw his jaw tighten as he watched her for several long seconds, then he pulled out his phone. "Alright, I'll cancel my Uber, but only if you promise there won't be any apologies on this car ride."

Ashley shook her head as she opened the front door, "I can't promise that. I owe you more than one apology."

"No," Logan told her with finality as they walked out onto the porch. "I walked into this with a pretty good idea that there was something between you and Justin. It's not up to you to apologize for my hopes."

Ashley walked with her head down towards the car, popping the trunk so Logan could load his things into the back. He walked around to open the driver door for her before climbing into the passenger side himself.

She turned to look at him, "But that kiss...I, hate that I..."

Logan held up a hand, "Please don't say you're sorry for that kiss."


"Please," his eyes were sincere as she met them head on. "That kiss is all I have to remember you by."

She sighed and looked away, her throat tight with emotions. She started the car and they drove in silence for a while, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. She stole several glances in Logan's direction. He caught her in one of her looks, "I meant what I said," he told her. "I don't want you to apologize. I want us to be able to move on and be friends...or whatever people do these days."

"Thank you," she said sincerely, hoping he could still hear the unoffered apology in her voice. "I've enjoyed working with you these last few weeks, I hope we can work together again."

Into the silence Logan shrugged, "I think we can figure that out, right?"

Ashley tossed him her phone, "I think we've still got some songs on our playlist from the flight here, why don't you play one of yours."

He smiled, scrolling her phone and filling the car with the sounds of the Killers song, Mr. Brightside.


Justin leaned against a large pillar on the porch, watching as Ashley drove back onto the property. She parked the car and with an effortless grace, she crossed the grass toward him, head down; she hadn't seen him yet. He let out a low whistle and she looked up with a smile transforming her face when she caught sight of him, "Oh hey," she tried to say casually, "what are you doing out here?"

He grinned, "I'm enjoying the view."

She slowed her steps toward him, her eyes suddenly sparkling mischievously, "So, how exactly did that airport fantasy of yours play out?"

He hummed softly as she stepped up the few steps to the porch to him. She put both hands on his shoulder, looking up at him, "Did it go a little something like this?"

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