Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Elle: So did you make-out with Justin?

Ashley: Why is this a question?

Elle: Your evasiveness is telling.

Ashley: Not evasive. Just honest. No kissing going on. He's not the boy for that.

Elle: Does he tell you you're beautiful?

Ashley: He lies and he's a flirt. That's just Justin.

Elle: Start believing him, Ash. See if it makes a difference.


With everything packed into Justin's car, he drove Ashley back to the recording studio so she could get her rental car. He pulled up next to the driver's door so she could get right in, but just as she was about to close the door to his car she heard her name being called.

Jogging toward her was one of the men she'd been working with the day before, she waved to let him know she'd heard him, then turned to give Justin a questioning look. He shrugged and turned the car off and got out as well. The man, seeing that he wasn't going to lose them, slowed his run to a walk as he approached. Ashley couldn't remember his name from the prior day, she honestly couldn't remember much about him at all, but she thought he was the one who'd been the most excited when they'd started the duet version of the song.

He looked like he might be a little taller than Justin, his hair was dark, almost black and he wore square, dark framed glasses that reminded her of Clark Kent. His jeans looked like fancy designer jeans, but the white and green skater shoes made her smile as he reached her. He seemed suddenly taken aback at her smile and paused for a moment, subtly looking her up and down. She decided she couldn't blame him, it was the first time he'd seen her in real clothes as if she'd actually made an effort.

"Ashley," he seemed to stop himself. "Ms. Evans, I was wondering if I could talk to you about the song you recorded yesterday. Well, both of you actually." He said, taking Justin into his gaze now.

"Sure," Ashley said with a one shouldered shrug.

"I took the recording I have of both of you and played with it last night. I also did some rewriting on the lyrics to actually make it into a duet and I think if you'd both be willing to do a few more takes it could really be amazing."

Justin walked around to stand next to them and held his hand out for a hand shake, "Hey man, let's jump back a bit. What's your name?"

Startled, he automatically reached out to shake Justin's hand, "Oh yeah, it's Logan. Logan Jacobs."

"Nice to meet you Logan. We were under the impression that Ashley's studio time for the day had been canceled and that you weren't considering her for the song."

"Not as a solo," he clarified, then looked back at Ashley. "Lance didn't like the idea of a collaboration with Justin. And I hate to ask this, but I think today is our only chance to get it recorded or the rest of them are going to start looking at other artists."

Ashley turned to Justin for his thoughts. "Time to begin step one of loving this business. Recording with yours truly," he said with a half bow.

Ashley looked back at Logan, "You're in luck, I'm tired of being told what to do and I'm ready to try something new."

"We'll give you three takes," Justin clarified. "That should give you enough material to mix it."

"I will make it work with that," Logan said, his face splitting into a wide grin. "Let's get to work."

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