Monsieur x Child Reader

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I'm just gonna let y'all know that I haven't written an actual story in years, so I'm a bit rusty. Also this story isn't ligit Monsieur x a child. Cuz yeah, that's pedophile.

Anyways onto the story.

You are sitting on your fathers lap, Monsieur M, while he was doing paper work. He allowed you to draw on useless papers and play with the little toys you brought with you.

You are currently holding your stuffed toy (it can be any animal) while looking at your dad.

Your dad has a very concentrated and tense look on his face.

You then get bored and decide to randomly pull on his tie. Monsieur looked at you and just smiled then chuckled and said:

"Bored, sweetheart?"

You nod your little head and rest your body on his chest.

"I'm tired, papa."

"I'm almost done sweetheart."

He places a comforting arm around you while continuing to work.

You end up falling asleep and awake on your bed with all your stuffed animals in bed with you. You noticed that the ones on the floor before were even with you.

You look around the dark room and notice your dad standing in the dark.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Can you snuggle with me?"

"Of course, sweetie."

He then comes over to you and comes under the blanket with you. Some of your stuffed animals end up on top of him.

You smile and wrap your arms around him and quickly fall asleep.

Before you drift off to sleep, you hear your dad mumble.

"Je t'aime beaucoup chérie, j'espère que tu ne finiras pas comme les autres."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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