**Chapter 01: Embracing the Unknown: A Dance of Transformation**

Start from the beginning

As she drifts away, faint whispers suggest mysterious things happening beyond her understanding. It feels like she's wandering through a dream where time doesn't quite make sense.

(Host! Host!...) A voice echoes in a tone filled with worry. (Host! Sobbing with sniffles, please wake up.) Little White's plea resonates with genuine concern, its usual playfulness replaced by an urgent and anxious demeanor.

The urgency in the voice carries a sincere hint of despair, a genuine expression of concern in the grand theater of Little White's mystery.

Irritated, Ye Rong demands silence, her voice cutting through the echoing void with a stern authority that momentarily quells even the genuine concern in Little White's tones. The darkness seems to hang on her words, creating a brief hush in the cosmic symphony.

After an interval that feels purely sincere, untouched by any theatrical elements, she regains consciousness. In the pitch-black void, she immerses herself in contemplation, unraveling the mysteries that envelop her.

Taking a deep breath, she directs a soft query at Little White: "Little White, what's going on? What happened when you were choosing the vacation world?"

Little White stumbles with a genuine guilty tone, "Host, I failed you. I went to the system network after talking with you. There, I had a brief chat with another system, and then:

Memory recaps:

System 000234: Oh, look at my fantastic new robot! Isn't it a marvel of technology?

System 000001 (Little White): Well, well, 000234, my dear, it's a lovely robot, indeed. But you see, a robot orchestra has surrounded me here. Mountains of them! I could start a robo-band. 😆

System 000234: Oh, don't be a show-off, Little White!

System 000001 (Little White): Listening to 000234's unconfident tone, hahaha... You also have today, hahaha, rolling around, hahaha.

Present time:

Then I accidentally clicked system interference, and we were already at the transmission point; there was nothing I could do, and then here we are. I'm sorry."

Ye Rong, torn between amusement and concern, contemplates the ever-evolving nature of Little White. With a forgiving tone, she allows the mysteries to persist, temporarily buried beneath layers of affection and understanding.

Gently, she inquires about their current situation, unraveling the layers of secrecy that enshroud the world they now find themselves in.

Little White, grateful for forgiveness, reveals, "Host, we're in the world of soul land, inspired by the novel you loved in your No. 034 Mission world about soul beasts and soul masters."

As the revelation unfolds, Ye Rong feels the fabric of reality shift around her, like a delicate dance of unseen forces. The once familiar contours of her consciousness now echo with the laughter of a child-a laughter that seems to transcend time and space.

In this altered state, Ye Rong's awareness settles into the body of a child, a vessel of innocence and wonder. The subtle heartbeat beneath her fingers pulses with the rhythm of newfound curiosity. The world, once viewed through the eyes of a seasoned traveler, now unfolds through the lens of untarnished fascination.

Her limbs, once accustomed to the grace of experience, now embrace the unsteady wobble of a toddler taking its first steps. The world seems larger, both in scope and in the magnitude of the emotions it evokes. Ye Rong's fingers trace patterns in the air, reaching for an understanding that eluded her in this childlike form.

The baby conscience that shares this mental space whispers in giggles, casting echoes of joy that reverberate within Ye Rong's thoughts. It's a symphony of innocence interwoven with the complexities of a mature mind. The child's laughter is infectious, sparking a warmth that melts the icy barriers that defined Ye Rong for so long.

As she gazes into the void around her, the darkness takes on a new hue-a canvas of potential, a playground for discovery. Ye Rong, the once unyielding guardian of intellect, finds herself navigating the uncharted waters of childhood, where every sensation is a revelation.

The baby conscience within her mind bubbles with glee, its laughter echoing through the vastness of this shared space. Its presence, once an enigma, now becomes a companion in this whimsical exploration. Ye Rong's emotions, once meticulously veiled, now dance on the surface-a kaleidoscope of awe, confusion, and a subtle twinge of vulnerability.

With each tentative step in this unfamiliar body, Ye Rong embraces the essence of childhood-a realm where the mundane becomes extraordinary and every discovery is a triumph. The air feels different, charged with the scent of unexplored possibilities.

Continuing to navigate this labyrinth of sensations, a whisper of gratitude emerges-a silent acknowledgment of the beauty nestled within the simplicity of being a child. The layers of mystery that enshrouded her existence are peeled away, revealing the core of humanity that transcends the boundaries of time and experience.

In this shared space of consciousness, Ye Rong's emotional journey becomes a symphony, playing the notes of transformation-a melody that echoes through the corridors of her mind, resonating with the laughter of a child and the echoes of a once stoic goddess now finding solace in the embrace of the gentle night.

'Little White,' Ye Rong's voice cuts through the mysterious void, carrying a note of incredulity: 'why in the vast cosmos am I a mere one-year-old baby?'

Little White sheepishly admits, 'So you wouldn't have to maintain your character design.'

'It will never admit to its host that it harbored a guilty desire to witness her in the form of an utterly adorable baby,' Little White thinks.

The justification, though innocent, leaves Ye Rong contemplating the intricate web of secrets spun by the system-a web woven with threads of intelligence, absurdity, and an unending quest for the warmth of its host's love.

Author's Note:

System 000234: My host bought me a robot. It's beautiful! I'm ecstatic; my host is the best.

System 000001: Looking at 000234's lone robot, then at mountains of robots in front of me, hahaha... rolling around, hahaha... and then, tap tap tap tap,

Mechanical voice: The new world transmission is starting in 3-----2---1. Transmission started; have a safe journey.

Author: Little do they know, in the midst of their banter, a comedy of errors awaits them in the unexplored world-a world where laughter and surprises are the currency of the day. Fasten your seatbelts, readers, for the robo-circus is about to roll into uncharted territory!



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