Groaning in pain, Y/n looked up at his opponent, the last guy from the bunch. He wore a simple leather jacket, and a jeans that's torn at the knees. I guess that's the fashion today.

With his fist still flaring with the aura, he then approached Y/n intimidatingly. "Honestly, I didn't think that my guys would be this beaten up by you, Black Mask." He started with an amused chuckle, gazing at his downed ally. An amused huff were let out, as he looked at the reincarnator with a leering gaze and a mocking smirk.

"I mean, you got punched into the wall by little 'ol me, after all. You can't be that good." Diminishing the aura, he then grabbed Y/n by the shoulder, inching his face close to him. "But alas, I've already grew bored with the girls. The lack the screaming part of being harassed. And my crew is beaten up, no thanks to you. So, we'll be off on our way." Purposely pulling him from the wall and letting him fall onto the ground pathetically, he then walks away. Then, a portal suddenly opened beneath his beaten allies, swallowing them up. The same portal appeared in front of him, as he walked in calmly.

"Oh, and let me warn you, don't cross me in the future. That's your last warning. Tata~" With an eccentric smile, he dissapeared into the portal and the portal closes.

"Ugh... So much for the usual thugs..." The h/c haired reincarnator groaned to himself when he saw the portal closes. He tried to get up when he notices two sets of footsteps approached him in a hurried manner.

"Are you okay!?" One of the girl worriedly said, helping him up against the wall. Thankfully this time he wasn't thrown around.

"What do you think?" He quiped sarcastically. The girl's body jerked at his response and chuckled nervously.

"Yeah... Thought so..."

Seeing her guilted looked made him feel guilty. They were harassed, after all. Shaking his head, he rested against the wall.

"Nevermind, sorry for being rude."

"No, it's okay...! You we're--!"

"I said I'm sorry, so just accept it." He cuts her off before it becomes a back and forth between him and her apologizing.

After calming down a bit, Y/n was able to clearly look at the two girls he almost risked his life to save. Well, being a vigilante is a life risking side hustle, so he can't really argue.

The one that's fussing over him, a brunette girl with bobbed hairstyle and two strands framing her face. Y/n squinted at her, swearing that he's seen her somewhere.

Pushing the thought for another time, he then gazed at the other girl,

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Pushing the thought for another time, he then gazed at the other girl,

Oh wait, he recognize her.

Oh wait, he recognize her

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That Time I Got Reincarnated with the Fifth's QuirkWhere stories live. Discover now