Hell Yeah

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After much, MUCH deliberation, I have decided to start writing my Ollie Akana and Amelia Jones smut.

Ollie Akana is the dino fury blue ranger and the love interest and later boyfriend of Amelia Akana, oops I mean Amelia Jones.

Amelia Jones is the dino fury pink ranger and the love interest and later girlfriend of Ollie Akana.

Their relationship had a bumpy start with their beliefs crashing, but Ollie changed for the better. One thing I like about Ollie's character is that it's more in line with reality.

He's one of the few non-Mary Sue characters in power rangers and he gradually learns from his mistakes and grows. We all know that most scientists do not believe in the paranormal and Ollie is no different.

Not gonna lie but I thought Amelia was being ridiculous fussing over ghosts, but what matters is that Ollie improved and became a better person throughout the series so...

I love Ollie and Amelia together.

Thank you for listening to my ramblings 🙏🙏🙏

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