Chapter 5: Shadow Assassin

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"Here comes another one..." Jyenka thought to himself. 

"I'll send you a message tomorrow morning letting you know were to meet me, see ya then." She said then continued to walk off. Jyenka was left pleasantly surprised hearing Silvia say something genuinely nice to him.

A bell chimed in an infinite void of darkness, each chime sounded like it had more echo than the last, flashes of images showing corridors and hallways appeared between each chime. The common detail between each image was the darkness at the end of each place and the red mist floating around the air. The images kept on appearing and the chimes kept getting louder and louder and louder until, the chiming stopped and and image of a stairwell appeared, unlike the other images this one didn't go away. The stairwell was different to the other images, instead of showing darkness at the end of it a bright red light glowed where the darkness would normally be. The red light glinted and flashed when suddenly, Jyenka sat bolt up right. His head ached and his ears rang. Jyenka clutched the left side of his face and clenched his teethe in pain. The aching vanished after 5 seconds leaving Jyenka perplexed sitting upright his bed. A notification popped up in his menu, it was a message from Silvia reading: 

"Meet me outside the village library at 8:30am game time"

Jyenka looked at his in game clock showing 8:20am. "Shit" he thought letting out a small groan.

"Your late!" Silvia said angrily at Jyenka who had just arrived outside the library.

"It's like 8:35, plus I only woke up when you sent me that message" Jyenka retorted.

"Doesn't sound like my problem" Silvia responded turning around. "Anyway, come on, he's waiting." Silvia opened the doors to the library.

"He? Who's He?" Asked a confused Jyenka following her inside.

"He's the greatest info broker in Aincrad, you have any questions he can answer them. I'm hoping we can get some info about double-bladed sword skills." Silvia approached another door and began to open it.

"Ok, what's this players name?" When Jyenka finished saying this the door Silvia had her hands on swung open and standing there with his back to the 2 of them was a man in a yellow coat with a bright yellow top hat, he turned around revealing his white handlebar moustache and monocle over his right eye.  

"Jyenka I'd like you to meet Aincrad finest info broker, Cleric." A smile appeared under Clerics moustache and he nodded his head.

"You must be Jyenka, the boy Silvia wouldn't stop talking about yesterday." Silvia's face went red.

"W-Wa-I wasn't!-"

"I'm only messing with you" said Cleric calmingly. "However, she did tell me that you were in the market for some double-bladed sword skills?" he asked turning around to the bookshelf behind him. 

"Oh, yeah. Do you know any good ones I can get?" asked Jyenka hopefully. Silvia went off to another aisle in the library.

"I know of a few, but it won't be easy"

"That's fine, if it means I can get stronger than I'll do it."

"Your courage is admirable, but a lust for strength often ends in ruin." Cleric said relatively seriously.

"I just... I want to be able to protect my friends when they need me!" Jyenka said with more confidence. Cleric paused for a second and then turned back around to face Jyenka.

"There's one that you can get on this floor, it's a new type of skill added to the game as part of the DLC."

"Really? How do I get it?" asked Jyenka excitedly.

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