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Okay this one will be off, short, and will be until later part of Attachment so get ready.

Compound, Night

Barrett was sneaking his way through the compound to try and meet up with the others and try to take Kash down.

When he exited he saw them and ran until an explosion threw him off his feet and landed on his back as he groaned out loud as he heard metallic footsteps as Barrett looked up and was in shock.

In front of him was a black robot, it looked like the BRAD but isn't.

"Well look what we have here, I see you found your new babysitter, or it found you, the BRAD X, designed to be indestructible." Kash said as he began to hit it with his putter but didn't even scratch it but the putter was bent in many areas.

Kash then threw the putter on the ground in front of Barrett as he looked up with a serious look.

"We know that something else is happening, and you might know what's happening, and you're gonna tell us what it is." Sofia said as she pulled out a gun and fired two electro darts at him, one near his heart, and the other on his shoulder blade as it stung him as he went down on the ground and out cold.

"Take him to my room, I'll deal with him when he wakes up." Sofia orders the BRAD X grabs Barrett's legs and drags him in.

With the others

"Holy shit, this guy is a complete psychopath, and that Sofia girl is even more psychotic, mature my ass." Kenji whispers to the others as Yasmina begins to panic a bit as she saw her boyfriend being dragged away.

"Yaz, we have to go." Sammy said as they left to inform Mae.

A few hours later 

Barrett begins to stir as he wakes up with his left hand cuffed as he tried to get up.

"Ah the prisoner is finally up." Sofia said as as she poured something into a glass.

"Well it's confirmed that you're a crazy bitch." Barrett said as Sofia pulled his shirt down and poured the liquid onto the wound over his heart, it was vinegar as it stung as Barrett held it in.

Sofia held his right hand as she poured more on his wound.

"I don't kill, so that's something to remember, all I want is the truth." Sofia said as Barrett gave her a 'fuck you' look.

Sofia continued to do this for a while until she sent him to the desert where he told them about the plan and everything else, I ain't doing that, that shit is too fucking boring man.

Plan of action

Barrett and Kash were already looking for Rebel as they neared the cave.

The BRAD X then opened its mouth to discover it's empty as Ben quickly shut it back.

They then heard Rebel crying in Mae's cave.

"Hey Kash, it's coming from in there!" Barrett exclaimed as he pointed to the cave.

Kash ran to the cave as he opened the door. "How did it?" Kash cuts himself off as he heard the bleeps as he ran into the bedroom to discover the pad with the recording.

"Close it." Barrett said to Ben as he pressed some buttons.

"You little traitor, I'm gonna-" Kash is cut off as Barrett threw a rock as Kash's crouch as he fell to the ground.

"I was wondering when you would do that." Ben said as Barrett flipped him off.

"Come on Ben, let's move, the others are waiting for us." Barrett said as the two begin to run.

"So wait, what was with the whole baby dinosaur thing, I thought Bumpy was the only one for you?" Barrett asked Ben.

"Well, it's a long story, with a longer speech." Ben said as Barrett scoffed.

"Right, well how's Yaz doing?" Barrett questioned.

"Yasmina is actually doing well, especially with Angel." Ben replied.

"Angel? Wait you mean the Sino-Spino, she named one of them." Barrett says.

"Yup." Ben simply said.

Barrett couldn't help but smile as he thought about the future with him and Yasmina.


Barrett was the first to see the cave and he saw Yasmina as he ran up to her without letting her know as he ran into her which made her hic a bit.

Yasmina turned around and saw Barrett as she smiled as she hugged him as they got up.

"Hey Barrett's back!" Kenji exclaimed as they all hugged him, well Sammy bear hugged him.

"It's good to have you back Barrett." Sammy said as she lets go as Angel comes over and jumps on top of him.

"So this is Angel huh?" Barrett asked as Angel licked him with a lot of slobber.

Everyone laughed as they had their mule back.

"So we got rid of Kash, what did you guys do with Sofia?" Barrett asked as he rubbed Angel.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Kenji asked as everyone looked at him.

"Kenji, you were in charge of locking Sofia up." Brooklyn said as Kenji nervously laughed.

"I got a feeling this will go south." Barrett said as they agreed.

End of this episode sorry for its shortness I just can't.

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