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Going out night 2

'So how are things going with you and Lando ?' Lola asked or at least tried to with all the music blasting trough our ears 'i don't know what to tell you i guess were good i just i don't know' i started talking 'what do you mean ?' Indiana asked 'yeah i don't know like we haven't met each other in person like what if he doesn't like my voice?' I asked them 'you facetime each other multiple times a day what the hell do you mean' Lola asked her 'that's just different' i told her laughing a bit 'no it's not' Indiana said laughing i started too take a sip from my drink when Lola asked 'did you make plans with Lando to meet up yet ?' I looked at her and said 'no we haven't yet we just haven't had the time i guess' 'love finds time' Indiana said with a wink letting me get in my thoughts with what she meant with the wink.

'Imma get us some drinks' Lola shouted over the music while we where dancing 'okay' i yelled back we danced for a while longer when i asked Indiana ' isn't she like gone for a long time now ?' 'Yeah she's been gone for a minute now,let's just wait a few more and then go look for her okay ? I'll text her in the meantime' she said while i nodded and started dancing again

Text message Indiana/Lola

Are you coming back soon ? She's starting to ask questions

I'm with them now we're coming

Great! Don't forget the drinks


'I've find us some friends' Lola shouted over the music when i saw Max walking behind her i obviously jump up to him to give him a hug when i open my eyes and look behind him i lean back a bit and say 'don't tell me that's Lando' max smiled at me and put me down 'it is homie' max winked at me and walked past me leaving no one between me and Lando when i looked up i saw him smiling at me 'hi there gorgeous' he said while taking my hand and pulling me towards him 'your here' i said unable to say anything else really 'i'm here' he said pulling me closer 'i can't tell you how nice it is to hug you' Lando whispered in my ear 'you smell so nice' i said back 'i do?' He ask 'y-' i wanted to answer him but Max interrupted us 'come on love birds let's dance' pulling us toward the dance floor when i noticed Lando was holding my hand (having a small fan girl moment gotta keep it cool though)

We were dancing for a little bit when a slower song started playing and i felt someone hands on my hips so i turned around and looked up a bit to meet Lando's beautiful eyes 'hi there beautiful' he said smiling 'hi you' i said while blushing like a freak 'will you dance with me?' He asked holding my hand with one and his other hand on my hip i just nodded because i couldn't find the words so we started dancing everything was going great until the song ended and we looked into each other eyes we slowly started leaning in for a kiss and then Lola came 'we've gotta go' she said 'i'm well uhh kinda busy lo' i told her looking at Lando who's looking at me that she's crazy or something 'paparazzi' was the only thing she said and the next thing i was being rushed through the back of the club we were in and into a car a different car we came in by the way

'What the hell happend there ?' I asked in general once in the car 'and where is Indiana' i asked also 'Indiana wasn't ready to go home she's gonna get the car home though' Lola answered 'okay fine but what the hell happened there ?' I asked again Lola looking at me not really knowing what to say 'Lando ? Max ?' I said 'can we talk when we are not in a moving car' Lando asked 'i don't know if i would want the chances of me running are slightly less high now' i said getting a little bit frustrated i mean i knew he was famous and i knew he had fans but bro those dudes like pulled my arms and stuff to take pictures and like how did they know where he was ? 'Rory please ?' He asked again 'fine' i said comforting Lola since she had a scar on her arm from all of that

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