{°•~^(chapter four)^~•°}

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M/n's POV:

'there's been a wallet inside my jacket the whole time?!' i thought to myself in shock as i then picked up the wallet and opened it to see what was inside

I was then surprised when i saw an driver license on it, it was my driver licences since it was my face on it but i don't have an driver license in real life!! 'wait.. Is it really mine? It do has my face on it'

I then started checking the info on this license 'it has my name on it.. Everything is correct but.. Why the hell is my height on 169cm here?! Wasn't i suppose to be (your real height)?! Also.. Why am i 27..?! I'm suppose to be (your age) something is wrong in this i.d...! Wait i have my address here! So where do i live..?'

I then read my supposedly 'address' in this world, only for my eyebrow's to furrow in confusion as my address was 'BLURRED!! WHY THE HELL IS IT BLURRED?!'

'ARGGHH!! what am i suppose to do now?! I don't know where to go! And where am i gonna stay!' i then started panicking and cursing under my breath

"urghh!!! Whatever what else is in this wallet?" i mumbled as i then checked if there was any cash on it that i can use

"there's even no money here!!" i muttered in complete annoyance 'ugh.. What is this wallet only for my driver license?' i thought to myself in sarcasm before then noticing a black card peeking on the side pocket of this wallet.. In curiosity on what this card was i then checked what it was


"IS THIS A FUCKING BLACK CARD?!!!" I yelled in complete shock as i the black card with my name on it was on my hands!!!

I stared down at the card on my hand in disbelief since i've never held an black card before and more onto it i don't even have a black card!

'i-is this real..?' i mumbled before checking all parts of the card "fuck..."

'it's real..!' i gasped with wide eyes as my hands lightly trembled "i-it's fucking real.."

After some moments i then finally calmed down from earlier.. And placed the back card back onto the wallet before putting it down on my pocket 'but still... Even now that i finally have money.. I'm still fucking lost!! and the sun is starting to set!'

I then put on my jacket that i took off earlier since it was starting to get cold around.. 'fuckkkk..!! Should i just kept on walking straight???'

I debated whether to just go on walking straight at the street or just wait if there were ever to be someone to walk by.. After 5 minutes i just ended up by deciding to just walk around...
















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