Chapter 3: Making New Heroes

Start from the beginning


Because you haven't imagined the scenarios. You created fear around something that isn't there. The 'what ifs' aren't real. You made them up, then dwelled on them.

The objects set back down on the deck and you open your eyes again. Kyoka Jiro, the girl who sits in front of you, had been watching you out of curiosity. She sees how you calmed yourself down and smiles. You give a meek smile back.

Then, the classroom door almost comes unhinged as All Might makes an explosive entrance. Your heart jumps out of your chest and the items on your desk that you had just put down slam into the celling. Your pencil lodges itself into a foam tile above your head.

All Might: I am here! Coming through the door like a hero!

You: I'm too young to have a heart attack!

The presence of All Might excites your classmates. They express their disbelief of him being a teacher this year. He strikes a heroic pose behind the podium.

All Might: Welcome to the most important class at U.A. High! Think of it as 'heroing 101'! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of justice!

All Might strikes another overdramatic pose.

All Might: Let's go right into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!

From out of no where, All Might pulls out a large card that says 'BATTLE'.

Bakugo: Fight training!

Midoriya: Real combat?

All Might: Yes! But that's not all! One of the key aspects of being a hero is looking good!

Well hidden panels in the wall to All Might's side open up to racks holding metal briefcases. They are the same one's you saw yesterday. You're given a number to designate which case is yours.

All Might: These costumes were based on the designs you turned in with the registration forms before school started.

You: Well, guess it's time to finally see what this thing looks like when I put it on.

You get up from your seat and take the briefcase number seven.

II: Guilt and Laughter

You're standing in a one person changing room, checking out your costume in the mirror. It fits perfectly and has elastic joints to keep the skintight outfit from pinching anything. The slick black color is engineered to absorb any light that hits it. You feel around your neck and grab the sticky pad that you were told activates the display on your wrist. You remove a protective film on the pad then slap it on. The turtle neck design hides the sensor.

The screen flashes to life.

Screen: 3% white

You: Hey! That's pretty cool!

The last thing in your case is a white envelope. You open it and find a hand written note inside.

Note: Hello, (R/N)! If you're reading this note then that means you've put on the costume I have designed for you. I took inspiration from my own hero costume and adjusted it for a male version. That screen on your wrist is a display that shows a number percentage alongside a color. Simply put, the percentage is how powerful the energy in your body is becoming. The higher the percentage, the more powerful your emotions have become. Higher numbers are harder to control. The numbers will be colored to associate with an emotion. Blue is sadness/anxiety. Red is extreme anger and rage. Yellow is happiness. Pink is euphoria. And white is neutral. Imagine this indicator as training wheels. You need to control your emotions. Never let any of these numbers reach 100%! But I'm sure you already know that. Good luck and remember to go plus ultra!
- Black Wind

The Psychic Hero: Redux (MHA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now