Chapter Two: Always Accountable

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Michonne came back to Alexandria first. Alice had managed to get out of the house, deciding that she needed to find out what was going on with the aftermath of the attack and she had walked up to the gates to see that Michonne and Tobin were bringing back an injured Scott and Annie, along with a few others that Alice hadn't been introduced to yet.

Michonne glanced at Alice when she walked up next to Maggie and Rosita, who seemed to be taking Michonne's news a little hard.

"Jasper and Nicholas were with him, they said they would send a signal if they came back." Michonne said, "I'm sorry." Alice turned towards Maggie, and placed a comforting hand on her arm when Maggie didn't move. She had glanced over at Rostia, who had a hard look on her face. Alice knew that she and Jasper had been close ever since he decided to go with them at Gabriel's church.

"What about the others?" Alice tried to ask, Michonne frowned.

"We lost transmission through the walkers. Nate, Daryl, Abraham and Sasha were at the front of the herd-" Michonne was about to continue before they heard shouting and groans of walkers on the other side of the wall.

"What is that?" Alice asked. Michonne and Maggie hurried to open the gate and Alice saw dozens-no hundreds of walkers just a few feet away through it. Her mouth fell open as Rick stumbled through and they quickly closed it behind him. But he was the only one. The only person who had come back and the others..everyone else was still gone.

Rick had called everyone from their homes so they could know what was happening. They looked at the walls in fear and Alice could only press her lips into a thin line as she stood next to Carl as they took in the new information. She had shifted her gaze to see Jessie a few feet away with her hand resting on some woman's shoulder. The same, terrified look on their faces. None of them had ever dealt with anything like this before but people had broken into their homes not even 24 hours ago and they survived it. Alice wonders if they even realized that.

They ended up meeting back up with Abraham and Sasha. The herd was still a couple of miles back but Nate couldn't tell if their plan worked or not. They had to go further. Nate just wanted off the back of this damnned motorcycle already. Sweat kept dripping down the back of his neck and he pushed his forehead against Daryl's back, just for a second before they started to get hit with gunfire. It made him flinch violently and he snapped straight up to glance around.

Nate gasped as Abraham and Sasha were forced to swerve their car out of the way and Daryl made a harsh right. He still couldn't tell where any of it was coming from and took the gun he had slung across his back and hooked it low to his side. He turned his head and saw multiple men crouched low but as he tried to aim towards them, the bike dropped to the ground and he and Daryl went rolling a few feet away from each other.

"Nate!" Daryl called over the gunfire and Nate immediately went to crawl underneath a truck, hoping that Daryl would take cover somewhere. He swore as more bullets headed his way and he moved on the other side of the truck and hid behind a wheel. He got one good shot in on someone before he ducked for cover again. He didn't have to stay sitting for long before he heard the roar of Daryl's engine coming back to life and the motorcycle swung around his side of the truck and stopped briefly for Nate to jump back on it again. Another car started to come after them, shooting out of the open windows and Nate turned and shot right back. He only managed to hit the windshield, causing the car to swerve but they didn't take any damage. His eyes widened as he saw another man on a motorcycle and Nate pulled his trigger and thankfully clipped his shoulder so the man was forced to fall.

They were forced to separate from Sasha and Abarham again, they went further down the road, taking one of the cars with them and Nate tried his best to shoot while being jerked around on the back of a motorcycle and also not throw up but eventually they wove into the trees and when the car finally decided they lost them, Nate and Daryl went deeper in the forest.

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